The Old Gardener

[ a garden ]

Picture if you will, and older gentleman that has a love for gardening. It is his pride, and joy each year. From it lush produce is put up for other seasons of the year, some is given to friends and others in need. He is know far and wide for his ability to plant a bountiful garden. He would take cuttings and graft them to other trees. My daddy loved to make a garden, and it seemed like he could stick his thumb in the ground, and it take root. So it is easy for me to see this in my mind.

Daddy knew long before it is time to break the ground what seeds he would plant. He knew where each type of plants would go. Then came time to till the soil. Deep rich earth, tended with his loving hands over the years. He has seen to it that the soil had what was needed for healthy plants. He was aware of what to plant near each other, and what must never be planted close. He knew what to plant together, because the insects on each one will destroy each other. He rotated the crops carefully, also he let the and area a rest from time to time. Oh Daddy was careful, very careful. He knew his plants, soil, and what worked to make a garden grow, of vines or trees to flourish with fruits

Before daddy ever started that garden, way back when he was planning on what seeds he would plant something else happened. In his minds eye, daddy saw those seeds as what they would become. He planted looking for a good harvest. He knew he would loose some from various things. It seemed like rabbits knew just where a place was in the fence. The deer would come, and the armadillos would root things up. He took it all in stride it as would be taken care of when the time came. Yet daddy planted with confidence of a harvest.

Do you know that we are called the Heavenly Fathers garden? Yes, it is in 1 Cor. 3:9 Long ago before the earth was created we read that He planned for us. We were planned to be like Him, and to be His child. Me, flesh and blood me, He planned to be His child, and for obedience to Him. Every parent wants their child to obey them for the good of the child. In 1 Peter 1:2 we see that we were set apart by His Spirit to be His. On earth we see rich people, some so rich they do not know how to spend it. Yet we see we are rich too. We have an inheritance incorruptible, that will not go away, reserved in heaven for those who are kept by the Fathers power. We see we have to have faith for it.

Just like my daddy planned his garden, we were planned. Our Father saw what we could be in Him before the earth was formed. He planned a harvest. He provided all that is needed for a healthy harvest. We see that He calls His Spirit living water so we are watered. He made way to see that the enemies were defeated just like the gardener did with his plants. His angels encamp around us. His very own Son defeated the devil, and evil spirits that would lay claim to us. He gave us His living Word to feed us, nourish us emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. He clothes us and shelters us

We were no accidental seed that happened to be in a pack of seed of some other kind. It gives our Father good pleasure to provide all we need. It gives Him great joy seeing us grow in understanding, knowledge and wisdom from above. Just like a plant reaches for sun light, we are to also reach out to Him. He is our source of strength, our food in every way. He give us the scriptures to feed upon.

We go to Him in prayer to talk to Him. It is not words thrown up in the wind to go where ever the wind may carry it. Those words are heard by Him, and unless we are walking a life contrary to Him even our wishes are considered, and many times are granted. Can you imagine what pleasure it is for our Father in Heaven at those times we have no request when we go before Him, but we have all kinds of thanks and praise to give to Him? Counting blessings, and giving Him credit for them must please Him very much.

We do not just live out life as a garden unattended. Daddy thinned plants that were to close, transplanted those in need of a better area to live in. He pulled the weeds, tilled the soil to keep it loose so roots can have soft soil, and water seep in deep. Some plants had to be staked out as they could not stand on their on.

Our Father also weeds us so to speak, we are pruned of dead wood, ways of the flesh is weeded out. Support in areas we of ourselves can not stand alone as of yet. We are tended tenderly, and lovingly with a watchful eye for one day when the resurrection time comes, our Father is looking for a harvest. We see we will be raised up in His likeness. We find we will have a new body, one that will not be fleshly and sickly. We will see Him as He is, and know Him as He knows us. We will not be like the produce daddy gathered, it be used up and be no more. We will live for eternity, in a city for more beautiful than our minds can imagine even though we have a description of it in Revelation 21:

Yes my daddy,the gardener, and our Father had a lot in common. They both planted, and are looked for a harvest. They watered, tilled, and are waited patiently for the harvest. Daddy passed away at 94 and 8 months of age back in 96. Our Father lives eternally, and is in constant care of His garden, waiting for the harvest.

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