So many times in life we pray so hard for something. It seems like we put our whole heart into believing an answer will come. As time passes there is no difference in the situation. Pretty soon the adversary will use this to cause us to doubt that we were even heard at all. It seems like if we do not watch it we spend more time fighting doubts than examining why the prayer is not being answered.

Not long ago just as I was waking up it was like I was seeing a movie ,and I was a part of it. It was not a dream, it was more like a vision. I was standing with other people, and we all were looking at two trains some distance away. It looked like they were just about to have a head on collision. It was flat land with tall yellow grain stalks. These two black stream lined trains looked like they were not far apart.

Suddenly I was up over where the trains were. I looked down and saw that there were two tracks, and that they were quite some distance away from each other. Not the usual few feet. At a distance that was not seen, and it seemed that those watching did not know there were two tracks either.

As I hovered up over the trains, it was like I was being spoken to, yet there was not voice. I was being told that when I pray it was from a different point of view seen from our Father. Prayers are answered according to the way He sees them not the way I see them. At the times when I think that my prayers are not being answered, it is because they way I saw them, and the answer I prayed for would have been the wrong solution.

Then in my understanding I was told. Our Father sees all things as they really are. He works all the circumstances out bringing them all together for my good. I have had to start to think when I pray about how I am asking. I usually have all the details all worked out, and all He has to do is do it! Most of us are guilty of that. So now when I pray I have to at times redo what I just said.

Now I understand better the words in the prayer about whatever His will is in heaven, so be it in earth. Hopefully now when I have prayed for something or about something I will not be explaining to Him exactly how it is and how to fix it.

©Mary Bierman 6/11/97:The Train Collision article may not be sold, it may be given freely if this line is attached with written permission. E-mail

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