I'M Glad It Didn't Happen

© By Mary Lois Bierman 6/4/1994

I can well remember when I first became a believer, and how great it was. We read of the first love that one is to never loose, and I was happier than I had ever been in my life. I thought that since my life had changed, I had been forgiven, and I had received the promised Spirit of our Heavenly Father, that if I could die before I made a mistake then every thing would be fine!

As time went on I was so thankful that I had not died because I sure was learning a lot of things that I would have never known otherwise! Later on I can remember experiencing the peace of our Father that is beyond human words to explain. I thought then If I could at the time I die, experience that peace in facing death. I had know what it was like to have to be put to sleep, and woke up later with no knowledge of passing of time. It was something to think of the time when our life on earth is over, we go to sleep, and to us it would be like being awaken with no knowledge of the time that had passed, but as if we had just woke up after going to sleep. I thought of all the faithful ones that had died so long ago and how long it had been. They were just sleeping now, but one day part of them that will live forever will wake up. I think of how different things will look to them when they put their feet down with the Messiah on the Mt. of Olives. We yearn for that new body we are promised at that time.

Many times I have thought of things that I had changed over the years since I first believed. When I first believed I wanted so bad to do everything right. I was just a babe in the word and was taught things from the word, and believed them as Saul did, with all my heart. Later I discovered from the scriptures the mistakes and corrected it. Then at that time I was thankful that I had lived, and had the opportunity to correct the mistakes in what I believed. I have dome so much growing over the years, being fruitful, being pruned, and as it says going on into perfection.

I am so thankful that our Father in heaven knows the end from the beginning. He has given me a heart to change, to grow, and to want to do things His way. He knows down through my life how long He has to work with me. Time will not run out for Him to do it if I do not do something stupid and cut my life short physically or spiritually.

Man times I have given thanks for my prayer not to live any longer not being answered. My life as His child was just starting. He had things for me that was greater than anything I could ever dream of.I had been filled with His Spirit, with His love, with His power, and a purpose to live, not just for now, but for all eternity!

We each need to just give ourselves to our Heavenly Father. He has such a wonderful life now and in the future for us. The joy and peace from His Spirit now is just a taste of what it will be like in the future. He is letting us have a taste of it all now.In life problems are hard sometimes, but they all can be tools for learning and growing. We also are told nothing we go through here on earth can compare with all that awaits His precious children on resurrection day.

When we pray we need to remember and be thankful that He will answer the prayers that are according to His will, and He knows best at all times.

© Mary's Treasures of Jott'em Downs Mary Lois Bierman Contact marys_treasures@yahoo.com to use. I would love to hear from you if you are blessed by any MT articles or stories.

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