meet the family!
take a tour of our studio!
come meet my Momma!
ahhh, the best site of all!!
comming soon!
Pull up a chair & relax, take your time and look around!

It goes without saying that I am "Mary" (the one & only!) and you've already figured out that this is my PIG page - So I won't tell you that again...

I have been hooked on the puter since I first started using one
at work back in 1986.... I discovered the Internet about 5 years later.
it was heaven sent for someone who likes research as much as I do!

Below are the sites I've done for my family, and one that I have just started
for my long-time best friend, It's been alot of hard work, frustrating at times -
but I thrive on it and love doing it!
meet the family!
My first creation!!                                            
It all started with me trying to find a way to share Our wedding pics,
and evolved into a family site, with pages for each of the kids,
plus our sweet grandaughter, and my wonderful grandson
(who actually has an entire website of his own now)
and I couldn't very well leave out Our guard cat, Jamelie,
nor could I leave off my grand-kitty Sadie Zang and my grand-puppy Roadie!
take a tour of our studio!
come meet my Momma!
ahhh, the best site of all!!
comming soon!!
without a doubt - this is my very favorite thing to work on!!
But then considering the subject matter, are you really surprised?
Over the years I've collected quite a few graphics: about 20 PIG themed
(plus one that was made just for ME!), almost 170 PIG
animations, and a little over 1450 individual pieces of PIG clip art,
plus a handful of adorable sound bytes!
Of course I can't put them all there, but I do like to share from time to time!
my next venture into the internet was the creation of an "online portfolio"
for my Beloved.  Of course this also involved learning about copyrights, and photo editing, but it seems to be worth the effort - I have shared his site with a few close friends, and family, and they all agreed the site was beautiful and professional.
No word yet on when my Beloved is actually going to "launch" his site.
send me a note!
go somewhere else!
go back where you just came from!
I have had such a good time with this one!
This site was a birthday gift from me to my Mom last year.  Needless to say she loved it!  It is still a work in progress, but is just about complete.  I am working on the "travel" section, and as soon as I get it done - she will be back from another trip and I'll be able to update it all over again!
this will be my next venture, as a gift to one of my dearest friends!
Jodi & her husband, Dave own a wonderful smoke shop here in town, and are almost ready to go national with thier marketing - I am not sure when I will be able to start/resume work on it, but it will be really "soon". . .