My Own Written Stories
By Mascha
Here is one of my own written stories, it's called "The African Dream" and it's the only story which is written in English. Very soon I'll put some more stories online, I just have to wait for the competition result!
The African dream
Sunday lived in a suburb of Kumasi, a city in Ashanti. Ashanti is a region in Ghana. He went to University and he lived with his parents. Everyday he just learned for school, because he thought that maybe one day his biggest wish would come true: to live and work in Europe. Many people tried, but most of them didn't get a visa and they had to come back. Many others were in prison; because they didn?t leave the country after their visas wasn't longer valid. It was the same story with Sunday's older brother Iroby. He had to stay in one European country's jail for three month, because his visa had finished and he hadn't left the country.
Sunday didn't want this. He wanted to learn and read books, so they would prolong his visa after one year. He went to the University of Kumasi for Mathematics and Economic. He wanted to work for the United Nations like his prototype Kofi Annan had done. Sunday believed a lot in spiritual powers and he believed in God. He was catholic and went to church every Sunday. His parents gave him a hard catholic education and it made him to trust in God. He knew that if he would work for something really hard, then he could get it.
One day at school, some guys made trouble on Sunday. They waited for him outside the door of the University area and when he passed with his student bag, they ran to him and beat him hard.
He woke up in hospital, around him his parents, his younger sister and his girlfriend called Sekyiwa. All of them had very worried faces, especially his mother, which was crying. Sunday didn't know what was going on. He asked Sekyiwa, because she was sitting close to him. She looked really sad and she told him, that he would have to stay in the hospital for more or less two months. One of his legs and one of his arms were broken. This time he realized that he didn?t have any feeling in his left arm and in his left leg. He was scared now and he thought, because of the worried faces, that maybe he's handicapped now.
Then the doctor came in and asked him how he felt. Sunday asked him; whether he ever could walk again in his life. The doctor said that he doesn't have to worry and everything would be okay. Sunday had a big ease and his mother got a little smile on her face.
After two month he could leave the hospital and walk again, only his arm was still in plaster, but it didn't hurt him that much. His girlfriend was really glad that he felt better. Sekyiwa went to the same University, but she went there for Science, especially for Biology. When she would finish her studies she wanted to go with her boyfriend to Europe, although she knew that her parents didn't want this.
The final exams were close and Sundays arm was already okay and he was really excited. He wrote an essay about the dream of the communication between the different cultures. The professors at the University liked it very much and so he graduated as the best student of his age class. His parents were very proud of him.
Sunday and Sekyiwa were very happy and they started to plan their flight and their stay in Europe. They had already chosen a country in the middle of Europe and Sekyiwa graduated also at her University.
When they arrived at the European airport, one friend was already waiting for them. They wanted to stay with him until they would find an own flat. Sunday and Sekyiwa got a working license for one year and they wanted to work well and they hoped to get a prolongation for their visas after one year.
The next day Sunday looked in the newspapers for a nice job. Sunday saw a job he was interested in; and he called the number that was written down. The boss of this company didn't understand English. Sunday hang up the phone. He was annoyed. He didn't understand why a big boss of a company didn't understand English. Sekyiwa said that maybe he's the only one and he had just no luck with this first call. Two days later he called for another job, but when he went there, they didn't accept his University exam. They said that he had to make another University year in this country. Sunday was really shocked! Why don't they accept his exam? He was the best of his age class and he didn?t have the money to make a University year here!
Some days later he didn't get a job. Sunday had to take a small job in a big supermarket, because he needed the money too much. Sunday disliked the job, because all the people looked at him like they never had seen a black guy in their lives before. Even when he went out, people looked at him and he knew that they were talking about him when he was passed. It was the same with Sekyiwa and because of this she didn?t like Europe. She said that she wanted to go back to Africa. Sunday was sad about this, but he knew surely, that he wanted to stay in Europe and that he would fight to survive. Some days later, Sekyiwa took a flight to Kumasi. Now Sunday was alone and he rented a one-room apartment from the money he got from his job in the super market.
It continued like that until he saw one job in the newspaper. It was a job for the United Nations in a big city, where the United Nations Organisation had a big office. He called this number in the next minutes and they told him to come there and have an application talk with the major chief of the office. He went there by train. He had to take an intercity train and the trip lasted maybe four hours. In the train he thought a lot and he wondered why so many people treated him bad because he?s black. He heard many people talk and he heard when they were talking that all Africans are drug dealers. He was annoyed, because for too many it was different, like him. He thought also, if so many Africans brought drugs to Europe, who take them all? Sure it had to be the Europeans, because a dealer doesn't take his drugs.
He went to the UN-Office and all people spoke good English with him and they accepted his University exam. He got the job and he was really glad about it. He took a nice flat near his workingplace and he loved his job a lot. He invited his girlfriend to come and visit him and she came, but not only for a visit. She stayed with him from this day on and they both were very happy and they had a good life. His dream had come true!
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