Although drinking and chasing nurses are some of the guys favorite things, their highest priority is playing practical jokes on eachother...
When Frank heard that there might be an enemy attack he got the enlisted men to dig a foxhole. BJ, never one to miss an opportunity, filled the hole with water and then asked Sidney to shout "Air Raid"
BJ tricked Charles into thinking he had gained weight by giving him a pair of someone else's trousers. After a crash diet and a lot of exercise Charles thought he had lost weight, but BJ had swapped his trousers again!
Charles had been at the 4077th less than a day when Hawkeye put a chicken in his teapot.
After getting him drunk in the Officer's Club, BJ and Hawkeye decided to put a toe tag on Frank. On it they wrote 'Emotionally exhausted and morally bankrupt'The joke backfired on them though because when a still sleeping Frank wound up at a front line aid station and BJ and Hawkeye were sent to bring him back.
Frank usually ended up with egg on his face. This time he took things literally.
Nobody was safe from the jokers, not even Col. Potter.
Even Hawkeye wasn't safe. Winchester put a snake in his bed.
They just can't leave Frank alone...This time Hawkeye and Trapper have nailed him inside a packing crate. "Get me out of here you animals" "Out of were Frank?" "I'm boxed in""We all feel that way at times Frank"
BJ claims to be the king of practical jokes. So why did he fall for the exploding cigar gag?

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