Just a little chat
What if the 4077th had the internet?
(BTW: To those wondering...I didn't take it off ff.net...THEY did.)
<Dr_Hawk signing on>
<Trapster signing on>

Trapster says:
I see you got everything hooked up finally…

Dr_Hawk says:
Ah shuddup…you try getting a million cables connected in a country where they don’t even have pizza. Mention pizza and I’ll kill ya.

Trapster says:
Who me? NEVER!

Dr_Hawk says:
Let me remind you WHOSE been here since the beginning and stayed

<Hotlips has been added to conversation>

Dr_Hawk says:

Trapster says:
Well Hiya Hotlips!

Hotlips says:
Trapster? Dr Hawk? Lmao…oh you two are pathetic!

Trapster says:
Gee thanks…and after all the swell times we had!

Hotlips says:
196 degrees and all lol

Trapster says:
Lol…yeah. Heya Hawk…

Dr_Hawk says:
Damn cables…yeah what hey Mags, how’s Tokyo?

Hotlips says:
Lonely, boring…jerk Colonels…you know.

Dr_Hawk says:
Grrr…tell them you’re seeing a 3 star general who can have them demoted to private quicker than they can say star spangled banner.

Trapster says:
The day you become a general Hawk, will be the day Frank marries an enlisted man.

Dr_Hawk says:
Well then tell them you’re seeing a very pissed off Captain who doesn’t like when other guys hit on his Major

Hotlips says:
I told them I was knocked up…you shoulda seen them scatter

Trapster says:
lmao I thought I’d never see the day you’d be calling yourself hotlips, dating Hawk and lying to cheap colonels

Hotlips says:
Lol you’re not the only one Trapper

Dr_Hawk says:
Hold on…I wanna see if I can do this.

<Cisco_Kid has been added to conversation>

Cisco_Kid says:
Hey…it worked

Dr_Hawk says:
And all without YOUR help Mags so :p

Hotlips says:
Oh grow up! Hey BJ…how’s Post Op?

Cisco_Kid says:
Long…boring…now I understand how the patients feel

Dr_Hawk says:
Hey…why should I grow up…I DID IT!

Trapster says:
Heyya…I take it you’re BJ?

Cisco_Kid says:
And I take it you’re Trapper…

Trapster says:
The one and only!

<The_Cavalry_is_here has been added to conversation>
<Radar has been added to conversation>

Trapster says:

Radar says:
Hi Trapper!

Hotlips says:
Okay Hawk, I think we know you can do it…uh Trapper – Colonel Potter, Colonel Potter - Trapper

The_Cavalry_is_here says:
I guessed as much - McIntyre

Trapster says:

Dr_Hawk says:
Hey do you all know that I got the computer set up!

The_Cavalry_is_here says:
He set it up by HIMSELF?

Hotlips says:
Uh huh…

Radar says:
Who set what?

Cisco_Kid says:
Hawk…with the computer…

Trapster says:
And with no help from mother dearest

Hotlips says:
Oh shut up!

Dr_Hawk says:
Why don’t you all shut up? Geez a guy can’t get a word in edge wise.

The_Cavalry_is_here says:
*sniggers* uh son…you don’t have to wait for others to write before you do…

Cisco_Kid says:

Radar says:
Gee even I knew that

Trapster says:

Dr_Hawk says:
What? Oh great *pulls covers over head*

Hotlips says:
Aww my poor baby!

Dr_Hawk says:
Wouldya like to join me Mags?

Hotlips says:

Trapster says:
*laughs insanely*

The_Cavalry_is_here says:
Can we keep this PG rated? I can see Radar’s going bright red.

Radar says:
Thank you sir

Dr_Hawk says:
Oh ho ho…Oh Beej?

Cisco_Kid says:

Dr_Hawk says:
Remember that thing you taught me that I could never do right?

Cisco_Kid says:

Dr_Hawk says:
Is this right enough?

<Ferret_Face has been added to conversation>

Cisco_Kid says:
Lol I think so

Trapster says:

The_Cavalry_is_here says:
Oh now that’s evil!

Hotlips says:
You didn’t…YOU DID THAT?

Radar says:

Ferret_Face says:

Cisco_Kid says:
Hey don’t look at me…I’m wound up in Post Op with only one functioning arm

Ferret_Face says:
This isn’t funny!

Trapster says:
I think it’s great!

Ferret_Face says:
I haven’t forgotten that e-card you sent me last week McIntyre…

Trapster says:
What? No like? I thought it was cute!

Dr_Hawk says:
What card?

<Trapster sends FERRET.gif>

Hotlips says:
OH that’s adorable!

Trapster says:

Hotlips says:
No wait…LOL! Oh that’s mean!

Cisco_Kid says:
Hey…that’s great!

The_Cavalry_is_here says:
Colonel Burns?

Ferret_Face says:
I’m gonna find out whose doing all this…I WILL!

Dr_Hawk says:
Ah Frank get over it!

<Ferret_Face blocked from conversation>

Hotlips says:
Thank you Hawk!

Dr_Hawk says:
What did he do?

Hotlips says:
I’ll email it to you later…

<Justalittlecrazy has been added to conversation>

Justalittlecrazy says:
Thanks kiddo…

Radar says:
No problem Klinger!

Trapster says:

Justalittlecrazy says:
Trapper! Hey how are ya?

Trapster says:
I’m good…how’s the crazy campaign going?

Justalittlecrazy says:
Not too good…

The_Cavalry_is_here says:
Now I wouldn’t say that Klinger…

Dr_Hawk says:
Yeah…that blue thing you made last week coulda gotten you out for sure.

Justalittlecrazy says:
Oh it wasn’t that bad!

Cisco_Kid says:
If your cat had eaten drain cleaner…

Hotlips says:
And thrown it up again…brb

<Hotlips set to away>

Justalittlecrazy says:
You guys just don’t have ANY taste!

Dr_Hawk says:
Why don’t we ask the man who has ALL ‘taste’

Cisco_Kid says:
Why not!

<Major_pomposity has been added to conversation>

Trapster says:
Is that…

Dr_Hawk says:
Uh huh!

Major_pomposity says:

Dr_Hawk says:
How’d you know?

Major_pomposity says:
Hunnicutt is in Post Op, Colonel Potter is MATURE, O’Reilly and Klinger WOULDN’T DARE…

Dr_Hawk says:
What about Margaret?

Major_pomposity says:
SHE has a brain…although dating you was a foolish idea I don’t know WHERE she got that from!

Trapster says:
Oh it’s definitely him!

Winchester-3rd says:
Have we met?

Trapster says:
Oh we’ve met alright…

Dr_Hawk says:

Trapster says:
You gave a ‘rousing’ lecture at Dartmouth 1948 about some operation you did…

Winchester-3rd says:

Dr_Hawk says:
What you? Trapper? What YOU did he mean about you? What you do?

Winchester-3rd says:
Ah the infamous Captain McIntyre…I KNEW I’d heard that name somewhere. He not only ruined my lecture…

Trapster says:
But sent the whole class into hysterics!

Cisco_Kid says:
Lol! *gives Trapp high five* Good job!

Hotlips says:
What I miss?

The_Cavalry_is_here says:
Not much…

Radar says:
Ain’t we here to get Major Winchester’s view on Klinger’s blue thing?

Justalittlecrazy says:
It’s called a shin length chenille NOT a blue thing!

Pompous_Windbag says:
THAT thing?

Pompous_Windbag says:

Dr_Hawk says:
I swear IT WASN’T ME!

Pompous_Windbag says:

Cisco_Kid says:
Hey as you said I’m in Post Op…INJURED

Pompous_Windbag says:

Trapster says:

Hotlips says:
I think some ideas AREN’T foolish don’t you…Winchester?

Pompous_Windbag says:

Hotlips says:
You betcha clusters!

Dr_Hawk says:
Isn’t she wonderful?

Cisco_Kid says:
As cunning as always!

Major_Idiot says:
This is NO better MAJOR!

Hotlips says:
I think it’s a scream!

Trapster says:
You would!

Winchester-3rd says:
I’m going…as for YOUR information CORPORAL…that blue thing was a disgrace which should be tossed in the DEEPEST canyon and IMPLODED

<Ole’_Charlie signed off>

Justalittlecrazy says:
A lot you all know! I got guard duty…NIGHT!

Radar says:
Yeah I got work to do…and maybe sleep

Trapster says:
See ya guys!

<Justalittlecrazy signed off>
<Radar signed off>

<Winchester-3rd has been invited to conversation>

Dr_Hawk says:
Aw Colonel!

Winchester-3rd says:
I will ONLY stay if YOU FOUR DON’T touch my screen name

The_Cavalry_is_here says:
This is just for the medical meeting so we don’t need to have one when we get back. AGREED?

Cisco_Kid, Trapster, Hotlips says: Yes

The_Cavalry_is_here says:

Dr_Hawk says:
Yeah yeah…

The_Cavalry_is_here says:
Margaret, what have you found out?

Hotlips says:
The lectures…well…funny story…you see…I went to the one on Thursday…then kinda well…you know…didn’t go to the others.

Dr_Hawk, Cisco_Kid, Trapster, Winchester-3rd, The_Cavalry_is_here says: WHAT?!

Hotlips says:
Well blame him! *points to lover boy Hawk*

Dr_Hawk says:

Hotlips says:

The_Cavalry_is_here says:
What happened?

Hotlips says:
I took your advice Hawk and went to that health spa place…you know…

Cisco_Kid says:
Those magical massage…

Trapster says:
That the one with the girls and the…

Dr_Hawk says:
Oh yeah!

Hotlips says:
*glares at her near ex*

Dr_Hawk says:
Uh do go on…

Hotlips says:
And I kinda…sorta…well…stayed longer.

Hotlips says:
But get this right: Doctor Hillbranger was there…

Cisco_Kid says:
That the…

Hotlips says:
The one who looks like Cary Grant…

*fumes angrily*

Trapster says:
Oh him! I know who you mean…he’s the one who invented that new vascular clamp…

Dr_Hawk, Cisco_Kid, The_Cavalry_is_here says: WHAT?!

Hotlips says:
I know!

Trapster says:
Is there something I don’t know about?

Winchester-3rd says:
A similar clamp…

Hotlips says:

Winchester-3rd says:
…Was designed and made here last year…

Trapster says:
No kidding!

How much did he get for it?

Trapster says:
100 grand for research and lets just say he could give you a run for your money Winchester…so to speak.

The_Cavalry_is_here says:
Anything else Margaret?

Hotlips says:
No…that one lecture was a COMPLETE waste of time…one which could have been spent RELAXING.

The_Cavalry_is_here says:
Well I’m off…

Chuckles says:
As am I

Chuckles says:

Ta ta Chuck!

The_Cavalry_is_here says:

<The_Cavalry_is_here signed off>
<Chuckles signed off>

Cisco_Kid says:
Kellye’s telling me to get off now…Me…sleep…NEVER!

Trapster says:
Lol…I gotta go too…uh…Lou’s calling…gotta get the girls to school…see ya!

<Cisco_Kid signed off>
<Trapster signed off>

Hotlips says:
is it just me or did everyone leave rather a little too…fast?

loverboy_Hawk says:
I was thinking that too.

Hawk's_Hotlips says:
I can tell you're grinning…what did you do?

loverboy_Hawk says:

Hawk's_Hotlips says:
yeah…and my name's Charles Winchester!

loverboy_Hawk says:
didja get the package?

Hawk's_Hotlips says:
delivered as discreetly as possibly could…

Hawk's_Hotlips says:
okay I don't buy it…WHAT are you up to?

loverboy_Hawk says:
well If I'm not mistaken...the health spa is on Dikoshi

Hawk's_Hotlips says:
uh huh

loverboy_Hawk says:
and the Tashioko café is on the right of the first floor

Hawk's_Hotlips says:
and your point is?

loverboy_Hawk says:
oh nothing much…just that did you know the café looks an awful lot like The Swamp with cables?

Hawk's_Hotlips says:
*smiles* you're not…

loverboy_Hawk says:
uh huh!

Hawk's_Hotlips says:
but you…and the computer…

loverboy_Hawk says:
how could I when I've been here

Hawk's_Hotlips says:
Hawk I've been here 3 days: there's no way you can be that close and stay away…the truth: you tried, injured some part of yourself, gave up and came here

loverboy_Hawk says:
*mutters* it was actually Beej who got injured...

Hawk's_Hotlips says:
you could have just asked someone who knew something…it's really not that hard

loverboy_Hawk says:
are you kidding? there's like a gazillion cables going into only 3 hole…I'm only a lowly doctor!

Hawk's_Hotlips says:
*rolls eyes* uh huh so now you're telling me everyone knew where you were and you're downstairs in the cafe

loverboy_Hawk says:
…eating sushi…though technically Trapper didn't know because he's been spamming me and it just…slipped my mind?

Hawk's_Hotlips says:
*shakes head* child. and yet you're not up here with me?

loverboy_Hawk says:
well if I had to choose between my favourite girl, my favourite japanese cuisine and my favourite spammer…

< loverboy_Hawk signed off>
<Hawk's_Hotlips signed off>

“I’d have to choose you.”
“Mmm good choice…you taste like fish.”
“You know some women find that a turn on…”
“Just BEING here is a turn on.”
“So you now agree the stealing Frank’s sex shop catalogue was a good idea?”
“I don’t know…how about you open the package and we find out?”