Greater swiss mountain dog

You use what works to maintain drive, working attitude. greater swiss mountain dog Teacup dogs. Being consistent with your corrections and praise is the key. To TopQUESTION:Hi, I was wondering if you can help me. I have a 3 year old American Bulldog that won't protect the house when I'm gone. greater swiss mountain dog Guide dog training. But he does when I am there. When I am home he won't let anyone come in. He will protect me but when I am not around he doesn't do anything. greater swiss mountain dog Guide-dogs. Can you tell me what I should do?DawnANSWER:This dog has a strong pack drive - that's why he protects you (as the leader), but lacks some territorial drive - he would protect or at least bark when you are gone. He needs to have his defense drive stimulated when you are not there. If you want him to bite then you need to take him through the bite development in The First Steps of Bite Training and one on The First Steps of Defense. You could just do the defense work if you are only interested in the dog barking - you just need to make sure you do not do too much of it and make him neurotic. I would also read the articles on my web site about bite work. To TopQUESTION:I have purchased your puppy tug, bamboo whip, first steps in bite training video, and know your soft sleeve. I have an 11 month old English Bull dog. He weighs 80lbs. My question is this. Even though he is extremely aggressive towards the tug and the sleeve, I can't seem to get him to bite with a full mouth. He constantly tries to bite with just the front part of his mouth. Is he still too young? His mouth seems to be big enough to handle it. Any suggestions on how to make him grab on with a full mouth? He really attacks the hell out of the sleeve. By the way I'm very happy with all my purchases. I hope you can help me with this. Thanks,Frank MeloANSWER:A full mouth grip is a genetic issue. While there is a possibility that your training is flawed, which is causing the poor grip, it's more likely a genetic factor. You need to not worry about it, continue to do what you are doing and let the dog grow up. When he is way more mature, maybe 18 months - you start to do defensive work.

Greater swiss mountain dog

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