The Massachusetts Democratic Future's vision is to renew the voice of youth in Massachusetts progressive politics. It is an independently run and financed group within the Massachusetts Democratic Party with more than 2,000 members and a strong track record in affecting state elections and policy battles. MDF works to involve young people between the ages of 18 to 35 in progressive politics as informed voters, activists, organizers, and candidates and help progressive Democrats win elections. Among their many successful campaign efforts was the election of Mike Ross to the Boston City Council. Their mobilization of students brought Ross to victory against a heavily endorsed, well-financed competitor in a tight election

MDF sponsors many fundraising and campaign events on a    monthly basis in an effort to promote progressive ideals and allow   young individuals the opportunity to take an active role in  politics. As the sister organization of CDM, it has worked in conjunction with College Democrats chapters across the state to recruit new members to the two organizations. To receive MDF emails about upcoming events and activities, please email For questions, please email