
By Leia


Part 5


Disclaimer:  I don’t own Dawson’s Creek or any of it’s characters.  I also don’t own “Wishing I Was There” by Natalie Imbruglia.  It can be found on her wonderful CD, “Left of the Middle”.  I do not fully own Sara, Ruth, or Cici, purely because of the fact that they are based on real-life people.  I do, however, own Sandra, because she is based on me, and I think I can own myself, can’t I?


Acknowledgments:  Thanks to everyone has replied to this fic, you rock!  LB, Sharone, and CC... or should I say Sara, Ruth, and Cici?... well, anyways, thanks for letting me shape and distort your own personalities to my own liking. ;)


Dedication:  I dedicate this part to misunderstandings all over the world.




Take your hand

And place it in my pocket

Flick your eyes back in their sockets

Put those thoughts away

Sometimes they’re much to loud

I’ll take a breath and cradle your sweet head

Should’ve stayed at home in bed

Put that face away, I’m melting for you


I know, I get cold

‘Cos I can’t leave things well alone

Understand I’m accident prone

Me, I get free

Every night the moon is mine


But when the morning comes

Don’t say you love me

Don’t say you need me

I really don’t think that’s fair

Boy, I’m not some dumb

But when you leave me

I’ll be wishing I, wishing I, wishing I was there


I dreamt

About another girl in bed with you

You just laughed and smiled

Denied the proof

We’re fine till I think of a problem

I wish it made sense

Like a joke that no one gets

It’s a life without regret

I want it to feel that way

Forever and ever


I know, I get cold

‘COs I can’t leave things well alone

Understand I’m accident prone

Me, I get free

Every night the moon is mine


But when the morning comes

Don’t say you love me

Don’t say you need me

I really don’t think that’s fair

Boy, I’m not some dumb

But when you leave me

I’ll be wishing I, wishing I, wishing I was there


Wishing I, wishing I, wishing I was there with you

*~*Wishing I Was There by Natalie Imbruglia*~*


  “You don’t know?” he said softly, trying to make sure his voice didn’t sound too incredulous.


  She shook her head and tucked her a strand of her brown hair behind her ear.  She prayed that he would understand.  That he wouldn’t pass judgment on her.  She bit down on her lip as some involuntary tears welled up in her eyes and slowly fell down her cheek.


  “Hey,” he said softly, tapping her chin with his fingertips.  “Don’t cry, okay?  I understand.”


  She nodded slightly, very relieved.  He pulled her into a hug.


  “This must be so hard for you,” he said.


  “You make it easier,” she whispered.


  And that’s all he needed to hear.


Take your hand

And place it in my pocket

Flick your eyes back in their sockets

Put those thoughts away

Sometimes they’re much to loud

I’ll take a breath and cradle your sweet head

Should’ve stayed at home in bed

Put that face away, I’m melting for you







  Her first day at work.  It wasn’t like she had expected it... it was better.  She absolutely loved her new location and position.


  “How was the first day?” Pacey said as she walked in.


  “Good... Great,” Joey replied with a grin.  “Speaking of work, shouldn’t you be there?”


  “Well, I took off early so someone would be here to greet you home on your first day.”


  Joey smiled.  Home.  In the past few days with Pacey, the apartment became more and more like a home to her.  She knew that she shouldn’t grow to comfortable in the home or too dependent on Pacey, though.  She was going to start apartment hunting that weekend.


  “So, what do you say we celebrate?” Pacey suggested.  “I made reservations at this great little Greek place...”


  “Oh, Pace, you’re so sweet... but I can’t,” Joey said apologetically.


  “What, Potter?  Already have your pick of the menfolk?” Pacey said jokingly, trying to hide his hurt.


  “I’m supposed to go out with Sara’s sister, Sandra.  You know, the one I was originally supposed to stay with?”




  “You’re welcome to come, too,” Joey offered, genuinely hoping that he would except.


  “Nah, I wouldn’t want to impose.”


  “Pacey!  You could never impose on me!  If anyone here is imposing, its me.”


  “Don’t worry about it, Jo.  Have your ladies night.  I need to catch up on some reading, anyhow.”


  “Are you sure?”


I know, I get cold

‘Cos I can’t leave things well alone

Understand I’m accident prone

Me, I get free

Every night the moon is mine









  “Oh, come on, Joey!” Sandra called out over the music.  “Sara said that you were a party girl back in college.”


  Joey smiled slightly.


  “Back in college, exactly.  I’m not in college anymore.”


  Sandra tilted her head slightly to the side, arching an eyebrow.  Sandra and her friend, Ruth reminded Joey so much of her and Sara back in college.  Clubbing and generally having a good time.  Sandra had a striking resemblance to her older sister, Sara.  Her brown hair was longer, reaching the middle of her back, but she still had that smirk and the smartass personality.  Sandra was perhaps a little more outgoing than Sara.  Joey liked to think of her as a female Pacey.


  She has the drinking capacity and everything, Joey thought with a smile as Sandra took another shot.


  “Want anything?” Sandra asked.


  Joey shook her head.  She should probably get Sandra home pretty soon, for Sara’s sake.  She could tell she was really drunk by now as she danced with a guy rather provocatively.  Joey knew that Sandra was more outgoing, but not that outgoing.


  “Okay, kiddo,” Joey said as she dragged Sandra, with the help of Ruth, off the dance floor.  “You’ve had enough fun.  Time to go home before the nausea hits.”


  “There’s no such thing as too much fun,” Sandra slurred.


  “In your case,” Ruth said as she dragged her out of the club.  “There is definitely such a thing as too much fun.”


  Joey sighed as they hailed a cab.


But when the morning comes

Don’t say you love me

Don’t say you need me

I really don’t think that’s fair

Boy, I’m not some dumb

But when you leave me

I’ll be wishing I, wishing I, wishing I was there







  Pacey disinterestedly leafed through the pages of the book he was starting.  It just didn’t interest him.  Joey had been gone for hours now.  It was around 11, but he imagined she wouldn’t be back for awhile.  He sighed.  It was best that she was going out and getting on with her life without Dawson, but he didn’t want her to get reckless.


  Suddenly, a key turned in the lock.  Pacey jumped in surprise, but then he smiled.  Joey was home.


  Or so he thought.


  A short blond opened the door with a shy smile.


  “We need to talk, Pacey,” Cici said quietly.





  Joey walked up to the door with a sigh.  She was exhausted.  As little as she did participate in the partying, it had still tired her out.  Even in her early twenties, she was a little too old for this kind of stuff.  It made her feel old.  Not in the flattering way like when you’re sixteen and people think you’re in college.  More like in the tired, haggard, feeling-like-your-thirty-seven tired.


  As Joey tried to unlock the door, she noticed it was already unlocked.  She furrowed her brow.


  Maybe Pacey just forgot to lock it.


  She smiled.  Or maybe Pacey was just being Pacey and was waiting up for her like he used to during college.


  She began to open the door, but closed it slightly as he heard arguing voices in the living room.


  “Cici, what are you doing here?” Pacey asked in frustration.


  “I just... I don’t want to give up on us, Pacey,” she said softly.


  Joey peaked through the door slightly, seeing a the profile of a pretty blond and Pacey arguing.


  “That’s not what you said before.”


  “I know... I was just frustrated.  I felt like we were going nowhere.”


  “I already told you, Cici.  I’m not ready for a big commitment.”


  “I know, I know.  I just...” she looked at him with a helpless smile.  That helpless smile that always got to him.  “Do you really blame me for wanting to be close to you all the time?”


  He sighed and shook his head with a slight smile on his face.


  “C’mere,” he said, holding his arms out.


  She wrapped herself in his arms.  He closed his eyes, inhaling her perfume.


  “We’ll figure things out eventually,” she reassured him.


  He smiled and nodded.  He leaned in and kissed her softly.  He slowly opened his eyes, and was startled to see the door peaked slightly opened.  Joey stared at them with wide eyes.


  “I... uh...” she babbled, causing Cici to turn around.  “Sorry to, um, interrupt.  I’ll just come back later...”


I dreamt

About another girl in bed with you

You just laughed and smiled

Denied the proof

We’re fine till I think of a problem

I wish it made sense

Like a joke that no one gets

It’s a life without regret

I want it to feel that way

Forever and ever



  Cici found herself staring at a tall, gorgeous brunette dressed to the nines in a figure-flattering low-cut red dress that fell on her long legs at about mid-thigh.  Who the hell was this mystery woman?


  “Jo, wait...” Pacey began as he headed towards the door.


  “No, really, Pace.  I’ll come back later.  Just finish... uh, whatever you were doing.”


  “Joey-” he began, but she closed the door behind her.


  He ran to the door and opened it, trying to stop her, but she was already out of sight.






  Joey didn’t know why she had grown so flustered.  It was just an awkward situation, she supposed.  She tried to reason things out on her way to Sandra’s apartment.  Cici... why did that name sound so familiar?  Hadn’t Jen mentioned something to Pacey about it?  A fight or something?  Joey was sure she had. 


  Cici must be Pacey’s girlfriend.


  But why hadn’t Pacey mentioned her?  Well, if he thought they were broken up, why should he mention her?  But still, Joey was confused.  Why was she so surprised that Pacey had a girlfriend?


  He’s smart, charming, successful, sexy...


  She slumped in her seat.  But why hadn’t he told her?  She was so confused over so many things.  Why had she ran out of there like a bat out of hell?  It had been weird and uncomfortable... after all, she had walked in on a rather intimate moment.  That was it, most likely.  That’s what she told herself all the way over to Sandra’s apartment. 


But when the morning comes

Don’t say you love me

Don’t say you need me

I really don’t think that’s fair

Boy, I’m not some dumb

But when you leave me

I’ll be wishing I, wishing I, wishing I was there


Wishing I, wishing I, wishing I was there with you






  “Damn it,” Pacey muttered as he closed the door.


  Joey was gone.  He hoped she wasn’t just randomly wandering around.  Hopefully she was going to Sandra’s apartment...


  “What the hell was that about?” Cici asked, her beautiful features contorted with anger and confusion.


  “Its not what you think,” Pacey said in defense.


  “Its only been a few days, and you’ve already got some hussy coming in your apartment as she pleases?”


  “Joey isn’t just some random hussy--”


  “Is she living with you?” Cici asked, her voice raised louder than it had been previously, ignoring his comment.


  “Cici, calm down--”


  She stormed towards his bedroom.  It was as it usually was.  She ran her fingers through her hair.  Maybe she was wrong.  Her eyes widened.  The bathroom.


  “Cici, what are you doing?”


  She walked towards the bathroom and opened the door.  A make-up bag on the sink.  Pantene Pro-V and a razor in the shower.  Panty hose on the door handle.  She whipped around and looked him in the eye.


  “You bastard,” she said in an angry hush.


  She shoved him aside as she wiped tears from the corner of her eyes.  She grabbed her coat and headed towards the door, but a hand on her arm stopped her.


  “Leave.  Me.  Alone,” she said through gritted teeth.


  “Would you just let me explain?” he pleaded.  She sighed and looked at him expectantly.  “Joey is a friend of mine.”


  “Obviously a very good friend,” Cici muttered.


  “We grew up together.  We were best friends all the way through college.  But that’s all, Cici.  Friends.  Joey and I are just friends.”


  “Then why didn’t you mention her to me before?”


  Pacey sighed.  Why hadn’t he mentioned her before?  Or Dawson, for that matter?  Because it was too painful... because of things he didn’t even want to admit to himself.


  “We lost touch.  Both of us got really busy, and I didn’t feel the need to bring her up.  But then, the night of our fight, she showed up on my doorstep.  She needed somewhere to stay...”


  Cici looked away slightly.  Pacey cupped her face and gently forced her to look at him.


  “What was I supposed to do?” he asked.  “I couldn’t turn her away.  I can’t turn her away, Cici.  She’s going through a messy divorce... she’s all alone in the city.  She needs me.”


  “Pacey, I don’t mean to be a bitch, but I’m your girlfriend, and I’m going to be upset when some woman who I have never even heard of before today is living with my boyfriend... my boyfriend who won’t live with me, but will live with her.  It just hurts.”


  “Listen, Joey and I are friends and that’s all.  She’s not going to try to ‘move in on me’ and I’m not going to ‘take advantage of her’, okay?” he said gently as he pulled her into his arms.  “You have nothing to worry about.”


  “Can I stay here tonight?” she whispered.


  He smiled.


  “Of course.”


  He led her into the bedroom after taking one glance at Joey’s room next to his.


But when the morning comes

Don’t say you love me

Don’t say you need me

I really don’t think that’s fair

Boy, I’m not some dumb

But when you leave me

I’ll be wishing I, wishing I, wishing I was there


Wishing I, wishing I, wishing I was there with you