2007-2009 Officers
   President-Michelle Bell
  Vice President-Jeff Davis
  Secretary- Jill Champagne
  Treasurer-Leisa Crane

Regional SSW of the Year
2001-Michelle Bell
2002-Elaine Demasi
2003-JoAnne Landosky
2004-Susan Ortenburger
2005-Kathi Kaniszewski
2007-Dawn Roberson

Region K consists of Bay, Arenac, Midland, Gratiot, Saginaw, Gladwin, Clare and  Isabella counties.  Our 07-08 meeting dates will be held at the Saginaw Transition Center and are Friday September 28, January 4, 2008, February 29, 2008 and May 2, 2008. Click below to see speaker schedule.

You may visit the MASSW State website at www.massw-mi.org
MASSW-Region K
Michigan Association of
School Social Workers
An organization representing School Social Workers in Michigan.

The mission of MASSW is to advocate for the delivery of school social work services to meet the needs of all children.  As an organization, we will actively promote the educational and professional growth of members to ensure the highest standards of practice are upheld.  We will champion the causes of members and clients, and work to impact legislation that will improve the delivery of school social work services and enhance the education of all children.  School Social Workers will work cooperatively with all systems that effect education to guarantee the highest degree of service.  The future of our nation is dependent on  the education of our children.  MASSW will do whatever is within its power to meet these present and future challenges.

History on the development of Region K
On November 21, 1998, Philip Barker, the acting President of Region E, addressed a memo to the  MASSW State Board about a motion to divide Region E. This was a result of the many members interested in developing  a smaller, more centralized region who approached Philip proposing that Region E be divided into 3 regions, one of these being Region K.  Region K was to consist of Arenac, Bay, Clare, Gladwin, Gratiot, Isabella, Midland and Saginaw Counties.  By January 1999, a vote was to have been taken via U.S. Mail to determine majority decision based on the returned ballots and based on "simple majority" definition.  New leadership was to have been established by appointment for each region by February 1999, An article was placed in the Exchange and letters sent to all current members of Region E regarding the results and new contacts. 

On Wednesday, March 24, 1999, a group of School Social Workers held their first Mid-Michigan meeting; we called ourselves the Mid-Michigan School Social Work Association..
33 local School Social Workers gathered to network, share resources and discuss ideas for future meetings.  Shortly after that meeting, the State Board approved Philip's motion to divide and we officially became Region K. At our next meeting on May 12, 1999, we officially "merged" with the state chapter and filled the required office positions with non-elected members.  Our continued success is a result of commited current, past and future members, as well as strong leadership.
                         State website
for minutes