Welcome to my site,
the M@$T3R site
Back Again. Well alot is going on in my life but perhaps the biggest is that I'm getting ready to buy a new car. It's a 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Its beautiful! Of coarse, compared to the car I have now anything is beautiful. Other than that, I'm looking forward to the Xbox 360 like crazy. Perfect Dark Zero, Gears of War, and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion all look like amazing games and will no-doubt move consoles off shelves. Well, here are some pics of my future Jeep:
About Me
Vid' Games
Must-Have Downloads
Well damn. Here we are, my first major re-model of this site. There will likely be alot missing but I'm looking to get some pics of me and some friends, & some hotties (if I can get away with it). Then I'll put other junk on here about videogames & music. I'll have tons of wierd little things on here so check back once in awhile. Well I'll update this later as I see fit.

Morpheus is great for a couple reasons, but the most important one is that its free.
Mozilla Firefox
Firefox is a must. I don't care if you have dial-up or high-speed, this web browser is better than Internet Explorer in all ways.
Sites to Shop
Shop TigerDirect.com to save tons, trust me. I build computers.
Ebgames.com is a great place to get old and new games as well as opinions from other gamers about games and products.