The world explained to you,the way it should be
Swiss Daily Life
The swiss people are a bit funny , weird and odd and don't like people  from different countries.  They all have a bit of 007 in them acting like spies and weasals.
They are very polite with Gruezi to you and Gruezi to me, but thats about it, just polite words whitout meaning . Cooooooooooooooooooold people in a coooooooooooooold countriy with cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooold feeeeeeeeelings describes them the best.

It is x-mas and what do all children wait for during x-mas, yes you guest it right ..................presents....and who brings the presents for the kids................your answer would normally be  santa claus, santa or father x-mas, but if your a swiss you probably would have ansered semiclaus with schmutzli or Christkindli. I tell you these swiss have a way of inventing their own words for basic things. What the heck is a semi claus? I mean if there is a semi claus what happened to the quarter or the final claus  and what about the side kick he hangs around with schmutzli who the fxxck is he. Christkindli hello it's santa who bring the presents and not some christkindl. How lame is that.

Swiss Women
There aren't any good looking swiss women  , I mean unless she has one parent which isn't swiss they are ugly. No miss Switzerland has and will never win a beauty pagent like Miss World or Miss Universe ever.
The latest miss Switzerland came among the 10 best in the last miss pagent , that's crap.
Maybe a Miss Switzerland should concentrate on winning the mis canton or gemeinde pagants.

Swiss music , apart from the joooodle and the fast Nacht annoying tunes, what does Switzerland have to offer? Well they have DJ Clown the BOBO and Gotthard or is that a tunnel , These people (not refered to as artists ) are only pupular in Switzerland and will never be chart toppers in the rest of the music world cause they suck.
Even Celine Dion didn't want to be Swiss no more could you blame her?

The equipment used in hospitals and by doctors are way old they probably got them on ebay when hospitals from England , Germany, Sweden and Finland decided to buy new ones in the late 90's.
Some super surgent recently messed up a heart transplant , when he put a heart with the wrong blood group into a person with a different blood type. No wonder the schools are crap and the swiss are a bit thick, so what do you expect.

Kanton, Gemeinde

The country is divided into several cantons and they have a few gemeindes.Let me explain they have  cantons and gemendeis which are like the village council.
What's the point it's a little tiny country and they have their president of the kanton which has got about 40000 people and then there gemeinde presidents and parlamets for villages with 1000 inhabitants. Just to give people jobs I assume.

Shall all dogs wear blue collars or all trees be maximum 3 meters high in the gardens in  a village, oh I know lets have the country have a referendum on it. This is  reality Switzerland have about 6 referendums per year for rediculous decisions.
Women got voting rights in canton Apeenzell 1974 , hello 1974 that says it all.
They don't want 2nd and third generations of swiss to get Swiss citizenship.

They have rules that it has to be pin drop silence between 19.00 until 06.00 and yet they play there lame fastnacht pipes and drums until the break of dawn.

law obieding citizens
The Swiss are law obeying citizens which always do the right thing, yea right economical criminals are what they are.Yes maybe law obiding but even for matters that's non of their business, bunch of spies and snitches with lots of spare time.

Once a  100% swiss man admitted that they are the stingyest people on earth.

Grocery shopping  in Switzerland you have Migros and Coop which are the big supermarkets but they don’t sell everything you want and have a limited variety of brand products. The women working at the cashier goes thank you very much at-least 6 times as you are about to pay, very annoying.

Hig-Tech Society and industry
The  modern highly advance society , yeah right  ,my foot the industries are low tech, the social system sucks the authorities are equiped with 50 year old tools and the plastic driving licence was introduced somewhat 3 years ago.The inhabitants don't even have social security numbers.
The houses and offices are built without inlet air and exhaust air outlets what type of building-engineers do they have.

Be prepared for strange looks at the cashier when you don't have aCUMULUS card while shopping , they will treat you as an alien.