Donate to Charities for Free

Many people don't realize it, but there are numerous websites (and more each day) that allow you to donate to various worthwhile causes - such as AIDS research, feeding the hungry, or saving the environment - without paying a dime!

How is this possible? Basically, they show you advertisements, and the sponsors pay for donations. Each individual donation is small, but they quickly add up. If everyone on the web donated to these sites every day, we'd be well on our way to solving some of the biggest problems of our time.

I have to emphasize this again: you don't pay anything, and nobody will try to sell you anything.

At many of these sites, you can only donate once per day, so tell your friends! Update January 25, 2002 - had to cull this list - several of these links no longer exist. Another update August 26, 2002 - instead of clicking all these damn links (plus others I don't know about), just click here for a whole bunch of frames that refresh automagically to do all your day's donating for you in about 2 minutes!

List of sites:

If you know any more sites that should be here, e-mail me