jan. 25 2002
i decided to delete all of my daily updates here, and just give you a bigger picture that's easier to put together than if you read a bzillion little small things that were written at various parts of the day.  so, here goes:  this is my site, it's the place to go when you're bored, or if you want to learn a little more about me, or maybe our band, or maybe if you just want to look at some funny pictures of some cool guys in athens. well, for any of these reasons, this is a good place to be. anyway, right now, the band is practicing hard, but, adam isn't home most of the time. (basketball) so we really need to work on some lyrical things.  other than that, it's coming along good.  i think i have a job this summer, hopefully scouting cotton. then i can buy the trace elliot cabinet and head i want to buy with the money i earn from scouting cotton this summer. yep.  well, the format of the page is simple.  this is the info page; it keeps you updated on most, well, some of the stuff that's happening down here in c-town, and maybe might keep up a little bit w/ all the athens fellers way up there.  bailey drive (our band name) is a good thing to click on if you want info about the band bailey drive (our band). it has some pics, and stuff, and some scheduled stuff, and some past events.  the people are divided into 3 sections: cool camilla people, cool athens people, and other people.  initially, my intentions were to place stupid pictures of stupid people there, but i decided not to do that because if anyone saw their picture in there, they might be offended. (if they read this first)  the camilla people right now consist of ashley and lizzie and erin.. i think they're cool. cool enough.  ha.  the athens people consist of the people i know that are cool from athens. they're listed under "athens cool people" (that's probably not a correct quote, but it's something like that).  i have a link about camilla, which i plan on doing a little bit more on. i think i'm gonna get a disposeable camera and take some pics of various parts of camilla. and maybe explain them. any suggestions from anyone? reply in the guest book.  ok. the wedding cake. made by mr. lee lamb himself. he made it for a competition of wedding cakes. i don't know if it won, or got an award or anything, but it looks really nice. yep. that's the wedding cake alright. made by mr. lee lamb.  other pictures are just pictures of people.  i tried to put a picture of a 1968 landrover series II on there, but it didn't work.  it wouldn't load right. yep. the only link i have under links are blakes and michaels and matts links because they're the only links under links of mine that have been updated in the past 492.3 years. yep. check it out. it's cool. almost as cool as this site. almost as cool. last, but not least, is my page about the machines i have that make noise when i want them to. though, they don't always do it
how i want them to. sometimes they sound really good, sometimes they sound really really good. they even used to sound bad. lol. j/k. i'm not really that good. i'm planning on selling my epiphone sg eb-3. so, if you're interested, it's in good shape. real cheap. good deal. yep. that's the website. so, remember, if you ever get bored, come on in, and check some stuff about whatever you want to check out out. (get it?) and sign my guestbook too. well, anyway, i'm gonna go take the s.a.t. tomorrow morning, and i need to go to sleep. so, without further adiue', here's my web-page. i hope you enjoy it.

feb 10 2002
i feel that it is important to put the year of the submission of this news on here because sometimes, the sites undergo a lot of neglection, and after a small recession, someone might not know what year the info was put on here in. ok. i'm bored. as you can tell. just left houston's house. think bailey drive is gonna practice today. jeremy and jason are done going to all those baseball games at fsu. things are goin good i think. well, they might not be going good, but, they're not going bad. so, they're going good in my opinion. you can challenge it if you want. i don't care. i need someone to talk to. whulp, i guess i'm gonna go. catchyal8er.                                     
tuesday, april 9, 2002.
i hope everyone isn't getting mad at me for not updating my info. i'm not doing a very satisfactory job for the more frequent viewer. don't get me wrong though, a bunch of stuff has happened. i just don't feel like typing it right now. one important thing though, come check out bailey drive. it's the coolest. so don't miss us may 4th. l8er                          -taylor
monday may 6, 2002
well, our show at the agcenter turned out pretty well i think.  if we had charged a dollar per person entrance fee, the bailey drive bank account would be somewhere around 250 dollars full.  our next scheduled show is may 19, at a carshow hosted by y2k audio.  i guess it's at the parking lot, but i'm just guessing. i actually have no clue.  i wore this cool wig before we played, and everybody thought it was really my hair. it was funny. i hear blake and matt are down now, i was supposed to call matt to play tennis today, but i forgot. maybe he'll get on here and see this.  i need to see his tennis raquet. i want one i think. well, that's about all that's happened lately. hope everybody has fun tomorrow. doing whatever they're doing.l8er                                      -taylor
unless you're crazy, you shouldn't read the next few lines.

MAY 6 2002
i am the greatest skateboarder alive. i did a kickflip like 9 times today. hahahaha. i was gonna go on a date the other day. i felt so wierd.  well anyway, i got stood up. lol. me nombre es alejandro. esta' cerca de mi casa hoy. l8er                       -taylor
Friday may 9-? 2002.
i've had strep (i guess that's how you spell it)  throat. man. it stinks. can't do anything. missed field day. missed practice. geez. i hope i get better soon. l8er                         -taylor
may 17 2002
ok. a couple new links for all you fans who've been bored with the websites. blake made a new bailey drive page. you can see the link on my page, or on his page. i don't guess it would matter that much. as long as you see it. and i've used up a lot of my friday afternoon typing the origin or bailey drive. i think i'll call it "bailey drive, the life story so far." so you need to check that one out too.
friday, june 7th, 2002
summertime. oh yeah. i remember when blake made a song about summertime. i liked it. summertime. i'm working with mr. lee lamb, who made the wedding cake that you can check out in another section of my web page. i hope everyone has fun during their summer break. certainly i will. i hope. i'm stayin at westwood, playin football. it kinda stinks. but i don't mind too much.
tuesdayjune 11 2002
i'm a workin man. workin with mr lee. and at a tennis tournament. whulp, looks like me and the rest of the band are headin up to athens, hopefully to play and see weezer and the white stripes. that would be nice. then, if everything goes really good, we might go to furnace fest in birmingham.yep.
thursday july 11
hahaha. i made up a song. hahaha