part 2:
ok, where was i. oh yeah. well, like i said, the band dandy, and everything was working fine. but, the heart of all the chaos caused amidst the happiness and good music occuring was football. yep, football.  well, the season rolled around, and harold consequently had to sacrifice a lot of time practicing, only to sit on the bench with me.  harold's guitar playing duties in lowd were obviously portended to end in disaster with all this football.  with all the neglection going on, (which remember was not exactly an intentional choice, because if you go to westwood, you know the situation with football) a new guitar player emerged to take on the role of lead guitarist.  that was blake.  for a good long while, nothing happened.  harold kept up football, and blake kept leading the guitar section of the band.  christmas time rolled around, and football got over. this is where it got ugly.  harold returned to what he thought would be a continuance of the previous band situation. (that's "previous band situation," not "previous band situation") well, he realized his spot had been siezed by blake, and frankly didn't take to it well. (oh yeah, somewhere around november, harold went up to atlanta and totally upgraded his gear in the form of a brand new fender american deluxe strat and a marshall valvestate something-or-other amp. remember how everybody wanted a les paul like blake's? well, harold really went against the grain of the older guys when he got this guitar. that's all i have to say about that) where was i? oh yeah. harold got kinda mad, and pretty much stopped playing with the lowd.  they got along withought him, and nobody (not even harold) really was harboring bad feelings toward each other.  well, everything was cool right up until harold's mom found out that harold had kind of "withdrew" (that's a sensetive term for some people) from the band. christmas time rolled around and everybody is down from athens recording in the fellowship hall of the baptist church.  michael had his new les paul  and his new/old peavey amp he bought from matt.  eric kind of spearheaded the recording operation with all his recording junk.  anyways, one day dean was singing/yelling a song that i thought was pretty cool. that happened to be the fateful day that mrs. susan picked us up from the church and took us home.  well, she heard the song dean was singing/yelling. needless to say, she didn't like it.  the carride home was pretty caustic towards most everybody. we all got home, and, to the best of my knowledge, harold and his parents had been argueing about all the athens people and the rest of the music deal that was the news at the time.  mrs. susan called us all over to her house to talk about it, so me and michael went.  jeremy was gonna go, but mrs. nina told him not to, which i think was a good move. thanks mrs. nina.  ok, so we're all at harold's house talking about the crazy music mrs. susan heard.  it's a big bad arguement. harold is banned from talking to/playing music with/supporting blake and the rest of the athen's fellers for until he turns 18 i guess. 

end of part 2
for part 3, click here