+Tori Lyrics+

Here are the lyrics to many of Tori's songs. Since she has so many songs I could have missed a few of them, and I apologize if its one of the ones you are looking for - but I will do my best. (+I do not have Scarlet's Hidden Treasures, some of the other bee sides from Scarlet's Walk, or any of the new songs off of A Piano on here yet. I hope to add them all eventually.+)

Little Earthquakes

Under the Pink

Boys for Pele

From the Choirgirl Hotel

To Venus and Back

Strange Little Girls

Scarlet's Walk

The Beekeeper

Bee Sides

Y Kant Tori Read

+all lyrics written by Tori Amos unless otherwise noted+
+they are used here in complete respect and admiration+

.go back to the Garden.