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Understanding the Stock Market

The purpose of today's column is to provide you with invaluable insights into the Stock Market.

Today’s Topic: The Difference Between Trading and Investing
Miriam MacWilliams, Les Jacobs & Tom Barrett

Before we put any money into the stock market, we need to define our trading
personality. The first step in this process is to determine whether we are
traders or investors. Investors usually hold positions for a longer period of
time than traders. This can be a matter or weeks, months, or even years.
Traders usually hold positions for days or weeks, and in some cases for just a
few hours.

Investors and traders use many of the same tools and techniques, but they adapt
them to their trading personality and time frame. The time frame used is
sometimes chosen for us. For example, if your profession or job does not allow
you to monitor the market during the day, it will be very difficult to function
as a trader, even though your personality may predispose you to active trading.

The key to successfully investing is of course the quality of the stock we
chose. This is particularly important to investors, because they will hold
their positions for longer periods. Fundamental analysis is very important in
helping investors to select stocks that have strong ratings and a good
long-term outlook. Investors are not concerned with the daily fluctuation of
the prices because they know that they own fundamentally strong companies that
in the long run should eventually go up in price.

Traders on the other hand can chose a style that matches their own
personalities and risk tolerance. A day trader is one who is in and out of a
stock in one day and never carries a position overnight. Relatively few traders
can function in this stressful environment for very long. Most traders fall
into the categories of swing, momentum, or position traders. These individuals
usually hold their positions from a few days to a few weeks, depending upon the
market. They let the prices determine entrances and exits. The fundamentals are
not as important to a trader as they are to an investor; price movement takes

Both the traders and investors can make good use of technical analysis to
determine the timing of their entries into the market, as well as accurate
exits. However, precise entries and exits are of more importance to traders
than to investors.

Both investors and traders should monitor their positions on daily basis.
Neither needs to spend more than thirty minutes each day tracking and
evaluating their portfolio. Of course traders who decide to trade full-time to
make their living must decide whether they are willing to make the time
commitment to follow the market intra-day. This does not mean that they are
glued to the computer following every stock tick. However, there are decisions
that often must be made during the course of the market day that will affect
their positions. The fact that we follow the market on an intra-day basis does
not mean that we are day traders. 

Most traders are also investors, although the reverse is not necessarily true.
Even traders who normally hold positions in their trading accounts for a few
days at a time typically also manage their retirement funds in an IRA or other
retirement plan. These accounts are normally not actively traded, so you might
say that those of us who have both types of accounts have a "split
personality." This is not a bad thing; both disciplines have much to offer.

The investor who does no active trading might do well to learn the disciplines
of active trading, particularly in the area of technical analysis. The time may
come when their investments will grow large enough that they can quit their day
job and trade full time. The ability to monitor the market during the day may
allow them to reap the benefits of active trading, provided their personality
allows for it.

Whether you consider yourself a trader or an investor, make sure that you learn
well how to make good entries and exits. When we teach investors, we emphasize
the importance of this discipline. It does no good to but the right stock or
option if you buy it after it has made its run, and sell it at close to the
same price.

The other discipline we teach that applies to both traders and investors is
proper money management. It is impossible to overemphasize the importance of
the use of stop loss orders. It is also vital to know your targeted exit point
before you enter any trade.

Investor or trader - which is better? Whichever fits your personality, risk
tolerance and lifestyle. Don't let anyone tell you that you should be one or
the other. Examine yourself, and do what lets you sleep well every night.

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Thank you again, for the opportunity to share our knowledge and experience with you.

“More Millionaires have been created from the stock market than any other source”
--Bloomberg Magazine

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