3D software on other hand is a powerfull visual tool to show slope of particular terrain, influence of wind to change of ballistic trajectory direction, differences of ballistic trajectory with respect to line of bore or line of sight. Those differencies are very  important to answer the most important question: was a suspect aiming at a victim or it was an unintentional hit?

Next example shows an application of combination of Exterior Ballistic s/w EB v. 40 with Forensic 3D technology. In this casework example was also extremely important to precisely measure slope of terrain on crime scene. A precise 3D model of the terrain was measured by use of Total Station. Horizontal and vertical precision of precisely measured model (showed in animation by light green colour ) was +/- 10 mm, relative. Horizontal and vertical precision of  sorrounded terrain (showed in animation by dark green colour) made by digitizing charts (1:5000) was +/- 40 cm, relative.

Once precise 3D model of crime scene was defined, a 3D model of a suspect and a victim are positioned on the 3D model according to their versions of the shooting incident. Finally, precise 3D model of a ballistic trajectory from EB v. 4.0 was inserted in the 3D model. This gives us the possibility to explore possibilities of different shooting scenarios.

Next Forensic 3D animation shows us example of a virtual camera moving arround the crime scene and showing important details like position and posture of a suspect and a victim during wounding. Curved red line is the ballistic trajectory while black straight line is imagined extension of bore axis .

(avi, 185 kB, start on mouse over)

(to see this Forensic 3D animation please download DivX 5 codec)

See bigger version of the Forensic 3D animation (422 KB)

Next Forensic 3D animation shows the same shooting incident but this time virtual camera is moving along ballistic trajectory showing differencies between trajectory and imagined extension of bore axis . To see it please click next

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