Mata Devi Math
Order of the Divine Mother
Some Common Hindu Prayers
A Morning Prayer
Prayers By Others & Other Prayers
An Evening Prayer
Monday Prayer
This we know. The earth does not belong to us; we belong to the earth. This we know. All things are connected like the blood which unites one family. All things are connected.
Tuesday Prayer
God of a thousand faces, You reach for us where we are. You become what we most need. You are our truest Self. May we serve the Atman, the Divine within all Creation.
Wednesday Prayer
Any image we cling to is not the true image of you. Only in the flow can we find peace. We do not merely take without giving, lest our waters stagnate and turn foul. We will flow, by grace, we will flow.
Thursday Prayer
May all beings be happy. May all beings be at peace. May all beings be enlightened.
Friday Prayer
There is no God. There is no God but God. There is nothing but God. All the weys I think of you, Beloved, are inadequate, are idolatry when compared to the incomparable vastness of who You are. Every image is only a finger pointing at the moon. You are that moon. May I never cling to any image too tightly, but rather dive into the depths of Your being.
Saturday Prayer
Grant us the ability to find joy and strength, not in the strident call to arms, but in the stretching out our arms to grasp our fellow creatures in the striving for justice and truth.
To see the face of God is to heed the call to see that of God in all people. May I learn to love God by loving others. May I learn to love the outcast and the broken. May my hands be God's hands, my words God's words.