I heard you say

to that boy today

“The Afghanistan’s are gonna pay!”

You loaded your gun

and said goodbye

“don’t worry love I’ll be back alive”

And so the war began today

little girls began to pray

for their boys to come home

safe and sound

Black and white began to fight

there’s no hope left in the night

as we see the bodies on the ground

but nothings going right over there

the guns and bombs are everywhere

yesterday I seemed to care

if it was wrong or right

now our troops begin to roam

why don’t we just send them home?

They really don’t want to fight

And so the war began today

little girls began to pray

for their boys to come home

safe and sound

Black and white began to fight

there’s no hope left in the night

as we see the bodies on the ground

there’s nothing left of the world to save

we’re all gonna end up in a grave

and no ones gonna care

they say the end is on its way

there’s years before us and they started today

this isn’t taking us anywhere

And so the war began today

little girls began to pray

for their boys to come home

safe and sound

Black and white began to fight

there’s no hope left in the night

as we see the bodies on the ground