
Tropical Weather Information:

Hurricane season is here!  Get your information from the sources for FEMA and NOAA

Univ of Hawaii Hurricane Tracking Chart

See the Thumbnail below. Click on the link above, or the picture below to get the updated large photo from SOLAR.

SOLAR Hawaii Tropical Weather Storm Charts

Undoubtedly one of the finest pages for tracking storms. A good no-nonsense track and fairly reliable predictions. A must for those who are tracking the storms approaching their areas. Unlike the FSU site, this site has never refused access. Echos on the FEMA and NASA tropical storm sites.

FEMA Tropical Storm Pages

Source of good information including their own link to the above sites. FEMA provides links to the national hurricane center for pictures of the proposed strike zone, and alerts and warnings.

National Hurricane Center

also a good source of info regarding named storms

Tropical Weather Outlook RSMAS

Text only statement about tropical weather formation OTHER THAN followed storms

Tropical Underground Tropical Weather Map (hurricane tracking chart)

Weather Underground Sea Surface Temp (lo res) with tropical storms below

Hawaii UH/SOEST Tropical Weather Pages

Other Weather Information   or  Back to the Tropics

Weather links including some great ones for Tropical Storms and Hurricanes

Purdue WXP Weather Maps

Purdue WXP GOES-8 Satellite Images

This site contains a nice menu of GEOS-8 satellite images and satellite loops. The pic below is the current Water Vapor Image. Click for a closer view or the satellite images link above for the complete selection.

Great up and comer from University of Hawaii... Great color GEOS8  satellite images...

Florida-Bahamas-Cuba view from GEOS-8

Miami Weather Forecast (Univ of Miami)

NOAA El Nino Information National Weather Service Home Page
  Marine Charts on the Net

Marine Weather Data

Global Wave Height Map

CAUTION: Do not rely on FSU for information when tropical storms approach the mainland. They frequently shut down access to non .edu and .gov sites

Interactive Marine Buoy System

Interactive Marine Weather / Florida

Current Weather at Molasses Reef, FL

Current Weather at Fowey Rocks, FL

Picture of FWYF1

Marathon Weather (Text)

Miami Weather (text)

Fort Lauderdale Weather (text)

Weather Link Page
Hurricane Forecasts from Colorado State (Dr. Gray) University of Hawaii Weather Server


Weather Cameras around the USA Miami Nexrad

Miami Radar

WeatherNet! Miami Regional Summary

Miami Precipitation



Sea Surface Temperature Displays

Difficult to find, these are among the only free sources of imagery of sea surface temperature

These same charts are analyzed and 'upgraded' and sold to consumers.





Johns Hopkins

SST Imagery Gulf Stream Region

Southern Gulf Stream

Gulf Stream

AVHRR Home Page

Current GOES East Water Vapor Satellite Picture



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