Material Center News

June 3, 2001

Over the past couple of days, I have been working on a couple of new additions to this site.  The additions are all still in the early development stages so they may not be added for several days.  

Last month I haven't spent a lot of time on this site.  There have been several other projects that I have been working on that has distracted me from this.  But now I should have some more time for it now.

I am still working on getting this site registered with different search engines.  Right now I know it works with Geocities' search engine.  I've applied to several others but they may not have been activated or accepted yet.

April 20, 2001

On the sub list pages, I have added automatic NEW and UPDATED flags.  These will be automatically updated each time I compile the site.

April 19, 2001

Today I added a Guestbook to my site.  Now if anyone would like to leave a public message concerning this site, they can do so here.

April 17, 2001

A copy of the Periodic Table was added to this site.  The code for this table (along with many others) can be found at The JavaScript Source.  I have also added some more materials to the Stainless Steel section.

April 13, 2001

I finished entering most of the data that I have accumulated on the AISI 300 series stainless steels.  The next area that I will be entering will be the AISI 400 series.

April 8, 2001

I finished going through all of the entered materials and rearrange their property values' to accept the new format.  I can now resume the addition of new materials.

April 6, 2001

Modified the the material database to present the strengths more effectively.  I have to go through all of the entered materials and rearrange their property values' to accept the new format.

April 4, 2001

I added an automatic Last Updated display.  Corrected the E-mail address again (the address wasn't a .com address as I thought)  Modified some more pages in the Stainless Steel section.

March 29, 2001

I added and modified some more pages in the Stainless Steel section.

March 28, 2001

Today I added META tags to assist different the various search engines in posting this site.  I expect it to take a couple weeks before this site will start to appear on some of the major search engines.  I corrected the E-mail address links.  I had an incorrect E-mail address set in the hyperlinks.  I added more data to existing pages and also added some new materials.

March 27, 2001

Updated the site's style.  It's still pretty plain, but that should change.  I added the news page to the site.

March 25, 2001

Opened an account through Geocities and uploaded the site.  They supply a quality web-hosting service with one of the least intrusive ads.  With Geocities, I created a new E-mail address for the site's correspondence.  I also opened an account at Aaddzz to add the counter.  I added more pages to the Stainless steel category.  I also corrected some entries.

March 19, 2001

Uploaded the first trial of this site to a temporary server.  This allowed me to test the HTML code, as well as proof it's content.  I have been building a database of specifications.

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