Student Development Information System Approach
  1.  Select a project based on criteria.
  2. Identify the problem (well-defined).
  3. Set alternative solutions.
  4. Select the best solution based on criteria.
  5. Design.
  6. Implement the design (Programming) to get the information system.
  7. Test the system, if it is a bad system or you want to improve the system then feed back otherwise go to the next step.
  8. Install and set up the system.
  9. Train the user.
  10. Use it.
  11. Maintenance.


The Advantages of Student Approach:-

  1. It is non-linear so you can return to the previous step when you have a problem.
  2. Lends itself to good control.


The Disadvantages of Student Approach:-

  1. It costs a lot.
  2. It takes time.
  3. End user is not involved in the steps so you should train it very well.