True or False:


1. Project manager is responsible of some aspect of system development project.


2. Project manager is an individual with a diverse set of skills who is responsible for managing the project process when the project is rejected.

3. Project planning is the phase where activities are performed to assess the size, scope and the complexity of the project & to establish procedures to support later project activities.

4. Project planning is different than information system planning.

5. Project executing consists to put the planned baseline project into action.

6. PERT and GANTT will help to slow undertaking change.

7. Maintaining the project workbook is done during executing phase.

8. A project end or close down only if all requirements have been met.

9. PERT = Project Evaluation Review Technique.

10. Critical path represents the longest time to complete a project.

11. Slack time refer to amount of time that an activity can be delayed without delaying the project duration.

12. MS VISIO is diagramming tool but Oracle Developer Suite is project management tool.




