Evaluation sheet for members of your group.
Name of Group Member: 0 to 10
Amount of work contributed to project:
(write the number out of 10)
Quality of work completed:
(write the number out of 10)
Add above points to find the grade you believe member deserves:
(out of 20 possible points)
Evaluation sheet for your grade.
Your name: 0 to 10
Amount of work you contributed to group. /10
Quality of work you completed. /10
Average of above scores and comments. /10

 My Grading Rubric
Group members: Points
Creativity (15 points) /15
Neatness/Organized/Appearance (25 points) /25
Worked productively in class (15 points) /15
Used available resources (15 points) /15
Total points for group project /70
Individual Role:
Participation in presentation (50 points) /50
Notes and information collected for his/her part (50 points) /50
Extra Comments

Your grade will be worth a total of 200 points.
You will receive up to 170 points from your final project.
You will receive up to 30 points on your self and group evaluation.
If you have any questions or concerns about the grading, please ask me to clarify.
Good luck!


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