Valentiney Goodness

I suppose this is an ode to valentine's day or something or just how much love i feel and that i want to share with everyone because it makes my heart sing.

You are the most
You're so rad
You're so fresh
And I'm so glad
I am yours, you are mine
Show me where and i will sign
When i was down you came to me
And promised you'd always be
By my side

Incase you weren't aware, those are lyrics from the song "jamie" by Weezer. That is my all time favorite song by them. I love it! I left out the part about the person not being there because that's not true in my case. I recomend that everyone download that song and listen to it over and over. I love Weezer.

I suppose I should finish making the other pages of this site so i can upload it to where it's supposed to be instead of putting it on Chris' page heh. Bad NiCole! Ah well, I just had to put this up and express my undying love :o