Quick Tips

Quick Tips for Classroom Management:

? Start with a positive attitude.
? Establish a routine and stick to it.  This will give students structure to the day and they will know what to expect next.  Allow them to help set the routines.
>    Add more movement to the daily routine through activities.
>    Establish a clearly posted system of rules.
>    Set clear limits and boundaries.
>    Do not make threats or embarrass students. This will only discourage attention and participation.
? Make frequent eye contact to keep the class under control.
? Tell students in advance what they will learn.  This will give students as idea of what the lesson is about and help them concentrate on the material.
>    Provide clear instructions.
>    Repeat instructions.
>    Give written as well as oral instructions.
>    Review instructions or assignments by writing them on the board.
? Increase feedback to let students know what is appropriate and what is not appropriate.
>    Acknowledge students for progress and for appropriate behavior.
? Get the whole class involved.
>    Allow students to work with partners.
>    Use role-playing activities.
>    Allow them to participate in the creation of classroom rules and procedures.
? Provide audio and visual aids to keep the attention and interest of students.
? Teach the skills of emotional intelligence.  By teaching these skills to students they are able to deal with problems on their own.
>    Assist with memory skills.
>    Teach test taking skills.
>    Help students manage time.
>    Make a list of materials needed for tasks.
? Remember that quality, not quantity, is important when assigning homework.
? Get parents involved.  Examples of how to inform parents are:
?  Meet with parents often.
>    Assign home-to-school notebooks.
>    Give weekly progress reports.
>    Suggest a change in diet.
?  Get help if needed.  Involve counselors, healthcare professionals, community members, other teachers, administrators, and parents to get the proper help and resources needed to teach your students effectively.

* Student handout from CTE 510 class at WMU
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