Europe CFS1 Adf Map:

            The map is not yet complete. Is a far way of be a real aeronautic map, because the angles between meridians and paralels aren't perpendicular, so you can not  check angles over the map. The main idea is to put all information necesary to do an ADF navigating.  I think in the way i put more info you can use to do some basic VFR. Scale is 1:2,000,000. this is not fixed and depends on the zoom factor you use, but if you do a paper print in the way that the square inch in map is a square inch in the prited version, you got a 1:2,000,000 scale map. So one millimeter is 2 kilometers, one inch is 31.75 miles or 27.46 nautic miles.

            CFS is a real flight simulator, based in FS98. In WW II there was a lack of GPS, VOR, ILS and others radio facilities. But they got the ADF (Automatic Direction Finder). ADF is a radio with a needle that points to a radio station. Those radio statios are caled NBD (Non Directional Beam). Range of NBD depends on emision power and send in morse code a call Id.

            You will find all that info in the map. The game don't have ADF instrument or NDB stations, but you can install. You need the ADF instrument, the NBD stations and the NBD update. You will find all in the RAF662  download page.

            Check the frecuency and follow the needle. Simple.  Really, you must pay attention to some important details. If you follow the needle you are "Homing", and that is dangerous and inefective if there is wind when you fly. My english not permit to explain much, but here you have some links with exelent information. You can find how to use ADF like a VOR and much more.

 Navigation Systems - Level 3 (english)
 Navigating with the ADF (english) [Link broken]

        + Principal Airports.
        + NDB frecuency in Khz.
        + Range of station.
        + Call Id of station (text and morse code).
        + Distance in nautic miles between airports.
        + Basic graphics of terrain (ocean, land, mountains).
        + Paralels 45 North to 55 North, with 10 minutes divisions.
        + Meridians 4 West to 15 East, without divisions.
        + 30 minutes lines.
        + Tree capital city.

        To-Do List (In Release 2):

        * Add principal europe city.
        * Politic division.
        * Rivers and lakes.
        * Magnetic variation.
        * Magnetic headings between airports.
        * Add H.M.S. Carriers.

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