The Train to Oblivion

The train to oblivion
Steams through the fields at night
And the ticket-takers are all blind
The ride is free, yet the price is high
Sleepless nights and dreamless sleep
And blood and sweat and tears

The train to oblivion
Following the tracks so mindlessly
Through the dark fields of the night
Riding on to oblivion
The smallest sound breaks not the silence
The moon is looking down on us
Laughing quietly, forgetting us

The train to oblivion
Entering the final stretch
The final couple of miles
And the passengers are all asleep
The TV hums quietly in the background
The music plays quietly in the background
All of our lives have moved so silently
Into the background

Tears of mine

I cry silently when I go to sleep
And am snug under my sheets
Rain beats on the windows
It’s a stormy night in a stormy life
And we seem like ships on the enraged sea
Or, perhaps, we are more like trees
Swaying violently in the wind
Open to onslaught of thunder and lightning
We are fragile, but also tough, too tough
We seem to survive thorugh every calamity
Life throws our way
And we keep the memories and sorrows

I cry these silent tears of mine
And hope they’re your tears too

Driving my fist into the wall

I’m standing beside a discarded oil barrel
Fire is burning merrily inside it
I’m feeling warm and happy
It’s a night in the middle of the spring
Looking around I see nothing but junk
Content I sigh and sit down
Beside my trusty old oil barrel
With fire burning inside it
The night is young here
In the middle of an abandoned alley
Full of junk and shit
And piss and smell of dead animals and vegetables
And the fire is burning inside the barrel
And I drive my fist into the wall
Just to make an impression
Yet I fail in this undertaking
I leave no impression at all

I am afraid

I am afraid of nothing
But two things
Death and dogs
Death I fear when I am lonely
And thinking of nothing but oblivion
Dogs I fear when I am around you
They leap at my feet
And bite and tear the flesh of my bones
While you do nothing but laugh

Fake it

Fake your love
and fake your lover,
fake your life
and fake your time.

Fake it all
just to do it all again
turning in your bed
faking sleep.

Your fake words
and your makeup
make you feel
so true.

Fake your love
and fake your lover
you faked my life
just to have some fun.