Lorina n'ha Kathya

  • Age: 17, will be 18 a tenday after Midwinter
  • Marital Status: unmarried
  • Residence: Thendara Guild House
  • Laran: very weak Ridenow Gift, and general laran skills, only a tiny bit of training, picked up from her nephew Jorik
  • Politics: never touch the stuff
  • Abilities
    • Unarmed Combat: pretty good
    • Armed Combat: approaching excellant, and will be better with proper training
    • Horseback Riding: "How am I supposed to get on this thing?"
    • Weaknesses: way too stubborn, thinks she's clever, loves chocolate and other people's pets
  • Appearance: blonde hair with only a little bit of red tint, stormy grey eyes, very pointy nose, not much meat on her bones
  • Romantic relationships: none
  • Friends: her nephew Jorik, Leisha n'ha Ursula
  • Avoids: her very distant cousin Marcello, because of his bad taste in clothing, and her father
  • Hobbies: reading, eavesdropping on her oath-sisters, sharpening her already pointed wit
  • Other Information: nedestro daughter of a Hastur (I'm not saying which, I'll let you guess!) and Kathya Ridenow; joined renunciates because she was sick and tired of being bossed around, possibly because she is incredibly stubborn; her father had a mild heart-attack after reading her letter telling him that she had taken the oath
  • Family Tree: Hastur

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