:: Guild Events ::

+ Monday - Enter the Matrix
+ Tuesday - Anger Vs. Letting Go
+ Wednesday - Thinking Day
+ Thursday - A dream that is so real...
+ Friday - Share-a-thought
+ Sunday - Thanksgiving

Events? What are they for?

They are mini-activities to get the guild united and active. It lets everyone have a good deal of chance to express their thoughts and feelings of the day. It gives them a chance to reflect on what has happened and what they have learnt and wished to tell others.

+ Monday + Enter the Matrix

This is a day when we will ENTER GUILD CHATROOMS and advertise our guild!!! In other words, today is advertising day!

+ Tuesday + Anger Vs. Letting Go

The week has just started and had someone spoiled your day? Post it up and vent it on the message board. Let others see your anger and emotions. You may feel better after letting go all the agony inside. Maybe you just need someone to listen to you :)

+ Wednesday + Thinking Day

If you have a great idea to share with guild, share with us on this day. Everyone will be listening and they will be posting their opinions.

+ Thursday + A dream that is so real...

Morpheus: Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real. What if you were unable to wake from the dream. How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

This day, share your dream/nightmare with everyone of us. This dream/nightmare may not happened the previous night. It may have happened a few days ago! Share with us and we will try to interpret it in our silly funny way. Lol.

+ Friday + Share-a-thought

You heard a very wise saying recently and it have enlightened you a little. Share with us at the message board and enlighten the rest of us. Or maybe you have found out something on the net which is really thought-provoking. You can post it up and let us share our views.


This is our weekly discussion on the Matrix Trilogy.

+ Sunday + Thanksgiving

Spend a day reflecting back on the week you have just spent so fast. Think about someone who have helped you accomplished something which you could never had done without such help. Express your gratitude here. Let us spread love around :)