Leaving the elderly unprotected
The exclusion of the elderly from legal protection under domestic violence laws is unconvincing and unacceptable, welfare experts say.
In his Policy Address last October, Chief Executive Donald Tsang stressed the government would place emphasis on cherishing family harmony. But the recent rejection of proposals to protect elderly people in the Domestic Violence Ordinance (DVO) seemed like going the other way in stead.


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Fun, pride, money-
the world of illegal road racers

Sunday, 3.45 a.m, Tuen Mun. Everything was quiet. Thestreets were almost deserted save for the odd taxi passing by every now andthen. Suddenly, a low rumble echoed through the air.

  Pigs for pets?
This is the year of the pig on the Chinese lunar calendar. And piglets, or mini-pigs, which are bred in and imported from Taiwan, Thailand and Japan, with black birthmarks on their backs and heads, may find their way to local homes as pets – illegally.
Give to the gifted
A recent government call for developing an academy for talented children has prompted some educators to urge for more accommodating if not relaxed definitions of being gifted.
  New law helps make new life: smoking ban helps smokers quit
Hong Kong has become a relatively smoke-free city since the start of the year, when the government slapped a smoking ban on most indoor and many outdoor venues.


Is Mickey your cup of tea?
Disney, the world's most popular animated film and cartoon character producer, captures billions of fans worldwide. However, an increasing number of people are getting concerned over its cultural impact which critics say may affect children's perception of life.
  Old park to get new face
The fanfare surrounding the opening of Hong Kong Disney has seemingly failed to overshadow the Ocean Park. And the SAR’s own homegrown marine attraction will undergo a multi-billion dollar makeover plan to boost its popularity among tourists and local residents.