

My Message board
Friends and stuff
Collection of pictures

Quick links around the web

The best MP3 player
Good place to trade MP3s.
Good place to get HTML stuff
Wrestling rankings and stuff for Virginia
Doug's site
Brian's Site
Hear Ye

(My friend's site, check it out)


Im finally updating after i saw that the number of hits this page receives a day has doubled since i last updated. I know get about 7 to 10 hits a day. People are actually finding my page through search engines and stuff so i feel motivated to update more often now. One thing i want to say is anyone that uses napster and wants it to keep running should go to there website and read it and find out how to help keep it running. Napster is still running until the appeal case is settled. I hope it keeps running cause it is the best place to get mp3s. Anyone who has ever used it should go to their site and read how to help. The reason i havent had time to update a lot is cause ive had like no free time. MY normal day is wake up at 5:15, go to work, go golfing after work, and than spend the rest of the night with my girlfriend which is usually till 11 or so. After that i go to sleep and do it all over again. I just started golfing and i go just about every chance i get. I think golf is really fun even though i suck at it right now. Some people think its boring but thats cause all they have done is watch it. It is boring to watch but its really fun to play. I also found time to go to the beach today and go skimboarding. Me and my friend mason went to Virgnia Beach which is a good beach to go skimmin at. I was tearin it up and bustin out the flips and stuff. After i got home from that i went to see X-Men with my girlfriend. That is a phat movie and if you havent seen it yet you should go see it. Well keep coming back cause ill update as much as i can find time for.


Finally ive had time to update. Ive been kinda busy, lately. Ive had like 2 projects i had to do and i went to nags head this past weekend. Nags Head is a cool beach down in north carolina for those who dont know. It was phat cause they have a spot where you can drive on the beach and i drove my brothers bronco down it. It was cool cause you when youde go threw the soft sand youde spin out and stuff, it was a lot of fun. The water was to cold to go skimboarding so i didnt do that. Also it was thundering and raining and stuff. I wanted to go skimboarding cause nags head has good waves but the weather really sucked. I dont know how often i will be able to update this site but ill try to every now and than.


Sorry i havent posted in a while but ive been busy. I went to busch gardens and have been going over my girlfriends house and just doin stuff so i havent had the chance to update in a long time. Really nothing to talk about cept a few things that piss me off. One thing i heard on the radio the other day that pissed me off. Some idiot some where killed himself and said (in his suicide note) that he did it because of a song called Adam's Song by Blink182. Now everyone is blaming blink182 for this person dying. Its not blink182's fault this guy is a moron and killed himself after hearing a song. Just another fine example of how people are morons and how people need to blame everything on someone or something else. Another point, the movie, end of days.....kicks ass. I saw it the other day for the first time and thought it was cool. If you havent seen it you should.


Something happened that really pissed me off. Before i left for school this morning i left napster up cause i was downloading a few mp3s and when i got home from school it had a message that said "could not connect to service because current username has been banned by Dr. Dre." What the hell is up with that. Dr Dre sent a list of over 250 thousand napster users who have violated copyright laws for his songs and i have one of them so now that username is banned. It doesnt really matter cause all i have to do is make a new user name. Dr. Dre is a little bitch, there is nothing he can do to stop people from getting and distributing his songs for free. Why bother. Artists like Metallica and Dr. Dre who are getting pissed at napster need to wake the fuck up, there is nothing they can do to stop it so they need to quite there bitchin. The only thing they are doing is giving napster a bad name when nothing wrong is going on. If i like what i hear on an mp3 ill most likely go buy the cd so i can listen to it in my car, the computer is not the only place i listen to music. Metallica and Dr Dre need to relize that mp3s do not slow down record sales and they have all the money they could possibly need to live it very nicely for the rest of there life so they shouldnt even worry about anything. Everyone send hate mail to Dr Dre and Metallica now!!!!


Just got back from my last soccer game. We tied 1-1, we actually played decent for a change. Soccer was actually giving me something to do but i dont know what im going to do now. School is finally going to be over in 3 more weeks. My camera had a bunch of phat pictures but some bastard stole it out of my bookbag at school today, that shit pisses me off. If I found out who stole it they are gonna die. It was like a 60 dollar camera. I really hate people that steal. Im running out of ideas for this site so if you have any ideas of something i can start talking about or something let me know. Nothing cool has been happening and ive been kinda bored the past couple of days, so untill something interesting happens i have nothing to talk about. Im just kinda bullshitting right now cause i dont got nothin to say.


My soccer game got cancelled because of rain, i was so pissed when i found out cause the person who told me said it wouldnt of been made up and it was our last game. My friend just told me that it was rescheduled for wednesday so its all good now. I just found out a really awesome browser. Its called Neoplanet. It blows netscape and MIE away. Its only like 5 mb installed and looks better than both of them. It takes up barely any resources. I just got it today and was really impressed with it. It looks really nice as well. Be sure to do DL it. Its been raining all weekend and all today so i havent been able to do much. Im soon gonna have lots of pics of different things as soon as i get my film developed. Ill have pics from my new york trip and from my moms wedding. Be sure to come back for that. Tomorrow im gonna be really busy because i have to cut grass (if it doesnt rain) and im going to my girlfriends soccer game, she plays for varsity and they are in there district tournament. Come back later to see how they do, they should win. So dont be dissapointed if you dont see an update, ive been doing really good about updating this page so hopefully ill have time. Also my friend mason and my other friend doug like to argue about things and were having a little argument on my message board. Its really funny, you should go check it out. This argument took place over instant messanger and mufflckr=mason and XrayWiHair=Doug.


I got back from my trip to New York at 4:30 this morning. I woke up about an hour ago, its now 4pm. The trip was pretty phat, we did a bunch of stupid stuff cause it was a school trip so we had to do some educational stuff but we had lots of time to do stuff that we wanted to. The stupid stuff we had to do was go to some broadway play, had to go to the NYSE, and tour NBC studios. When we went to NBC studios I saw most of the SNL cast and saw Jackie Chan. They were rehearsing for the show saturday. We also went to chinatown and we saw this drunk chinese person wish a stick yelling at people and hitting things, it was the funniest thing i saw in a long time. Some of our group went up to him and talked to him, it was so damn funny. Than the last night there my room mates all got wasted. It was so funny. One of them got so wasted they passed out. Than one of them tried to box me, it was so funny. Ever tried to fight a drunk person before, its really easy. We had a bunch of girls sneak up in our room, it was a really fun night. I didnt do anything with the girls cause none of them were my girlfriend. I just layed in my bed and watched a bunch of drunk girls and guys, it was kinda funny. My girlfriend came but I thought she was tired and it was like 12:30 so i didnt bother trying to get her in my room. It would of been a lot better if she was there but it was definantly a night to remember. I was jsut informed our soccer team lost 3-0 on saturday. I wasnt there cause of my trip. We were in the run for 1st but we have lost our last 3 games cause our team just stopped playing. Our last game is monday and im gonna tear some people up.


Well nothing has happened today or yesterday to talk about. Today we got our asses kicked in my soccer game. Our whole team played like crap. Me and mason had some passes and plays going on but neither of us could get a decent shot cause the rest of your team wasnt helpin us. Our best goalie is injured right now. Since there is really nothing to talk about i think ill inform all of yall about my 2 pets from hell. I have a dog named Tika and a cat named Misty. Both are evil and are possesed by the devil. Tika barks and attacks anyone who comes in my house and Misty hisses at every one and attacks Tika all the time. Below is a picture of both of them. They make look cute and friendly but they arent.

Misty(the cat from hell)

Tika(the dog from hell)

Im also going to New York tonight and not getting back till Sunday morning, so no updates till than. Im sure there will be lots to tell when i get back.


I just got back from my soccer game. We got worked the entire game and ended up losing 3-1. The good thing is that I had the goal. It was a pretty goal too. My friend Mason had the assist. More good news, my girlfriend (crystal) is on the varsity girls soccer team for my highschool and they had there last district game tonight. It was tied and time was running out and she had a header to win the game. I wasnt there to see it because of my soccer game but i hear it was awesome. The girls varsity game won districts and will start with regionals soon. My girlfriend got interviewed by the newspaper after the game. Shes really good at soccer and is one of the main scorers for the team. Ill keep you posted on how they do during regionals. Its also me and my girlfriends 6 month aniversary today. Well my team has another game wednesday and we better win that one to stay in for second place. Im leaving wednesday night to go to new york for a school trip and will not be getting back till sunday morning. So from wednesday night till sunday morning my page wont get updated. It should be pretty fun. I get out of school for it. I also put a message board on my page, its kinda like a guest book so go check it out.


After over an hour and a half i finally finished implementing the new layout to all of my pages. I think it looks a lot better than it did before. I learned something yesterday....tuxedos are not ment to be comfortable. My mom got married yesterday and i had to wear a tuxedo which wasnt very comfortable. My girlfriend thought i looked hot in it, all i knew was that it was uncomfortable. The wedding was alright, it wasnt to bad. Today is mothers day so i have to go out and eat brunch with my family, i know that is gonna be fun. Than around 3 i might go over to my girlfriends house. Inbetween those 2 im thinking about going over my friend mason's house to work on my soccer skills. We have a game monday and we are close to taking first place. Ill let you know tomorrow how our game goes.


I finally am working on changing the layout of my page. Im using a type of code thats called CSS which makes my page look a lot neater and organized. Although i cant make it have the same format for all my pages because geocities doesnt support that. I have to manually change each page within this main one. That might take a while and i dont think i will have enough time tonight to finish it. My mom is getting married tonight and i have to start getting ready for that soon. I have to put on a tuxedo....doesnt that sound like fun. After the wedding there is like a 3 hour reception so i wont be home till around midnight. Sundays are always boring so the new layout will probably be complete before monday. If you have any comments or suggestions about my new layout feel free to email me. Come back tomorrow to see how much fun i had at the wedding and to hopefully see my site fully complete.


The MP3 page is now officially gone. I had an account with xoom because it had unlimited web space and i used it just to upload mp3s for this page which violated 2 of there terms of service. My xoom account was terminated as of yesterday. Sorry if anyone ever even downloaded an mp3 off of my page but from now on you cant. Ill figure out a way to put my mp3s on this page later. I only get 15 mb of space with geocities so i could only have like 2 mp3s at a time. I might just have 2 "MP3s of the Month" or some crap like that. I might just say screw it and tell any one who wants mp3s to use the search at the bottom of my page or just go to Napster to trade mp3s with others. I do have a search box at the bottom of my page you can use to find just about any mp3. I might work on changing the layout later tonight cause im not doing anything. No promises though.


I just got back from school and decided to update my page. We are takeing SOLs this week and they are really stupid. Here in virginia we have these standards of learning tests that we have to take. If we pass them we dont have to take final exams, which is a good thing. I think there just a waste of time because we arent taught half the stuff that they put on them. The 2 that i have taken so far i thought were pretty easy so they really dont bother me that much. It just totally screws the schedule up. Yesterday i didnt update my page because i had to cut grass and i had a soccer game. We beat the first place team 3-0. All we have to do is beat one certain team and we take first place. I think we play them in like a week. I was going to change the layout of this page but the code a friend gave me to make it a certain way didnt work so thats why this page looks the same. I think it looks fine. Any complaints about this page can be mailed here. Nothing really interesting happened today so i really have nothing to write about. Im about to go to my girlfriend's brother's soccer game. He plays JV for the high school. Exciting, huh? I just go there to hang out with my girlfriend cause i dont get to see her to much on the weekdays. Maybe something cool will happen so i can put it on this page.


Sorry, no update yesterday. I was doing stuff and than i had a soccer game. It was really hot yesterday and im a forward and i played the whole game so i was running up and down the field for 50 minutes in 90 degree temperature. We tied 2-2. I almost had a goal but it went over the goal. I was past the whole team and it was just me and the goalie and i kicked it a little to high and it went over. Ive had like 4 me vs goalie shots and always mess em up, im starting to get really pissed. What sucked even more was when i got home. The AC in my house wasnt working so i was burning up. The repair guy said he was gonna come at 8pm but didnt show up till 10pm. I have AC right now so its all good. I have a game tomorrow but the forcast calls for isolated t-storms so hopefully that wont interfear with my game. This page is also about to go threw a slight renovation later on tonight so be sure to email me what you think when you see it. I have to go cut grass, which really sucks cause its about 90 degrees right now so the renovation will have to wait to later on tonight. Basically its just gonna be a different layout and look differently. My friend says that the frames are gay so im gonna put it in a table layout type thing. Im also working on some graphics to put one here but im still learning how to use Paint Shop Pro.


It's sunday morning and i just woke up. Its now 11 a.m. Thats sleeping in kinda late for me, normally i wake up at around 9. Well yesterday was pretty cool. Me and 3 of my friends, brian, mason, and lisa went to the beach for about 3 hours. Me, brian, and mason went skimboarding most of the time. Mason's board snapped in half. After about an hour and a half of skimboarding we just kinda hung around for a while and talked. Brian got hit in the hit with a frisbee, that was kinda funny. I got a little sun burnt but thats all good cause it will turn into a tan eventually. Also i went to this dance at my school last night. It was alright, i had fun. Not to many of my friends were there but i went with my girlfriend so it was fun for me. Its like gonna be 90 degrees today and our air conditionar is broken so that really sucks. I think ill just sit in my car with the ac on. Speaking of cars, im gonna go wash mine while its not to hot.


Well i just got back from my soccer game this morning. It was really hot and i felt like i was gonna pass out a couple of times. What happened was our team had about 10 or 11 players and the other team had about 6 so they needed some people. They picked up some from another team that was there but still needed one person. Guess who had to leave there team to go play on the other one? Thats right, I did. Well that team totally sucked dick and i was the only person doing anything. I was doing pretty good considering it was me vs the world. I was taking it by about 2 or 3 people before i would lose it, i cant get by there whole team by myself. I had 2 decent shots on the goal. It was nearing the end of the second half and i got by the whole team (finally) and very nicely i might add, it was just me and the goalie. The crappy team i was on was down 1-0. This was my oppurtunity to tie it. I went to take the shot and totally fucked it up. I was to the left of the goal and when i kicked it, it curved left and totally missed the goal. I was so fuckin pissed, im normally i decent player with a pretty good kick but i totally screwed that one up. That would of been my first goal this season (that was my third game) but i choked i guess. It would of been against my own team anyway so it turned out my team won, even though i was playing against them. If i played with my team im pretty sure I would of had a goal. I was the only one keeping the team i was against from scoring. Me and 3 of my friends are supposed to go to the beach later today so i should of another update about that.


I now have about 6 mp3s in the MP3s section. Be sure to check it out. Well one intereseting thing happened to me, i got charged with tresspassing and have to complete 100 hours of community servive and a bunch of paperwork and crap. One question i have to answer is what have i learned from this. I want to say that people are dumbasses and our justice system sucks a fat one but i dont think that would be to smart. For the whole story click here.


I know its a miracle, i actually updated my page. Its been a while but ive been sorta busy and havent had the motivation to update my site. Ive been tryin to get more pictures to put on here but dont have any more for the moment. I was just on spring break this whole week and it kinda sucked. The weather was in the 50s and raining 90% of the week so all i did was work. Me and 2 of my friends were supposed to go to nags head and go to the beach to skimboard but the weather sucked so much we didnt get to go. I did hang out with my girl a little bit so that was all good. I wrecked my car about 3 weeks ago and i just now got it back, im so happy to finally get it back. I have a black 240sx, its an awesome car, i love it. Ill have a picture of it on my site as soon as i finish off this roll of film.


Yo, whats up? My name is Matt and this is my site. I have aol instant messanger thing and my name on that is MattDaMan9. My email is if you wanna contact me for some reason. Well I decided to update my page cause I just moved and I havent updated in a long time cause ive been to busy. Well I moved out of Seaford, the place where i have lived my whole life (16 years). I live in a fruity place called Sherwood Forest. My house is pretty phat but I moved away from most of my friends. Its all good cause i got a car and stuff and i still see the person i care most about, my girlfriend. Her name is crystal, shes the best. Im not sure what else to put on here but ill think about it. Be sure to check out all the links to the left and come back cause i think im gonna update this page regurlaly now. Wrestling practice is over so i got lots of free time now.