Bush is an idiot.

I started writing this on the night of March 19th, 2003 after the United States of America began the attack upon the country of Iraq. I laid out the outline that night, with sorrow for the innocent lives which will be lost, then completed writing this the next day, when I was just plain pissed off, and you can probably see that reflected in the tone and styling of this paper

In a televised announcement tonight, after bombs dropped in the city of Baghdad, George W. Bush tried to explain to the American citizens what exactly the plan was. I unfortunately did not catch all of this speech, missing some of the beginning. I did however manage to write down one line of interest from the part that I did see, and that line was George W. Bush claiming that we need to go into Iraq and "restore control to it's own people". That is the actual wording of what he said.

The first point I have on this statement is that the people of Iraq, albeit not all of them, support their leader. After George W. Bush gave his ultimatum speech two days ago many people in Iraq started marches and other rallies in support of Saddam. Many others left the country to avoid getting killed when American forces were deployed. There were absolutely no "Yay Bush" rallies or anything of the sort going on at this time. You may say that it is because Saddam Hussein doesn't allow his citizens that freedom, and you may say that all the marches in support of Saddam were forced, however if you say this you are an idiot.

The plain truth of the matter is that nobody likes Bush. The people of Iraq support Saddam, not Bush. Why? Because Saddam Hussein doesn't kill them in significant amounts. The Iraqi government was never in any considerable contradiction to the wills of the people, however George W. Bush and all you other trigger-happy dicks are imposing your views and beliefs upon the citizens of this country. In our world today we have a situation where a country can sidestep UN decisions, meaning this one country can set itself up as the sole judge of what humanity supposedly needs. Might is not right!

How can Bush go into this country saying he wants to return control to it’s own people when the control of our own country is not even with our people. George W. Bush’s hypocritical nature in even this one statement alone is astounding. We have anti-war protests every single day, and yet Bush continues to carry on with these plans which will kill thousands of people. Again, he is imposing his own moral beliefs, which are not only not shared by the people of that country, they are not shared by people of this country. We shouldn’t be worrying about foreign affairs when we have so many problems in our own country to deal with first, and the president needs to realize this, instead of trying to impress his dad.

Once we have gone into this country and taken out the leaders, when then? I’m not sure what Bush plans to do. I can see four possibilities for what could happen. In the first we let them remain without a government, and don’t interfere anymore, however this is unlikely seeing how much we like to meddle in other people’s business. The second option is to put an American in charge. What would happen then is that is would basically be an extension of America, another Alaska, a place for us to build missile silo’s and train troops and create armies, just to put pressure on the neighboring countries. The people of Iraq would not like this very much, and would attempt to rebel against us. “Forcing” us to destroy more innocent lives, and basically put the country under military arrest, which is no better than what George W. Bush is claiming happens right now, however in this instance the people of Iraq will actually not like the leader.

The way to get them to like the leader is to allow them to vote for what leader they want. Of course these people will be carefully selected by us to be the most pro-America. This will entail basically the same things as the #2 option, with Iraq becoming an American outpost of sorts. These two choices are not “restoring control” to the citizens of Iraq either. Of course we could let the people of Iraq just vote for whoever they wanted, probably another person loyal to Saddam if we gave them the chance, seeing how Hussein had 100% of the votes, improbable as it might be. In this instance we have killed so many innocent lives for nothing.

No matter which of these methods we use, none of them are going to work if we attempt to make Iraq into a “democracy”. You cannot just change the way a government works overnight. If we attempted to overthrow the entire Iraqi government and make it into a democracy it would end in chaos because the entire system would collapse. A change would require many years to take place, and we cannot expect it to work if we concoct it right now. Also a change of that magnitude needs to come from the inside, or not only will the system itself not work, the citizens of Iraq will not accept it. No matter how much Bush tries to convince people it’s for the greater good, he’s still an idiot. The people that he wants to “return control” back to are not going to accept this artificial control he is not even giving them.