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Ok, if you're reading this, you're probably a) lost, b) you saw the link to this page on my Yahoo profile and thought "Oooh! I'll click that!!", or c) I directed you here because you asked me about Matty Pad. Whatever the reason is, you can use the links at the top of the page to get around. Reading any further down this page will only result in severe boredom as I explain how this page came about and what the hell I'm doing here. So go on! Look around!!! =D
So... I orginally made this webpage for the collage of people I met in Graffiti. I used to have it as my profile picture, but it was too small and people moaned about how they could barely see the faces. Then one day, someone came up with the concept of Matty Pad and KABOOM! All hell broke lose. (Go to the Matty Pad page for a more indepth account of its birth.) They were popping up everywhere and spreading like rabbits. While the majority of Matty Pads are drawn and forgotten, the best of them are saved, initially for my personal amusement, but they say good things should be shared (maybe with the exception of girlfriends) so I decided to add them to my webpage. Pretty soon after the Matty Pads took over the webpage due to the shear number of them. The limited bandwidth of Geocities was struggling to cope and I've had to expand the website several times to accomodate them all. I've put an extra little bit of effort into this latest expansion as it'll probably be the last (if this is the extra effort version, just picture how bad the earlier ones must have been... ha!).
This site is built for my own benefit more than anything else. Sad as it sounds, I'm probably the most frequent visitor here. Sometimes I spend hours looking through the pictures and stuff on here, and it's nostalgic. They bring back a lot of memories. Memories of the good times, memories of the people I've met through this game, and, probably the main reason that I keep coming back, it always brings a smile to my face. Regardless of how many times I've been through the pages, I always seem to find a picture or a conversation that I have no recollection of. It's like a magical little portal where the contents on the pages come and go as they please... Or maybe I just have early Alzheimer's... Heh.
If you've come here hoping to find out more about me, well apologies. I'd to say I'm too good for words, and no amount of superlatives can describe the wonderful being that is me (*gags*), but the truth is I'm not interested in myself enough to write about me, nor am I interesting enough to be written about. All the basics are on my Yahoo profile, and I think you can get a reasonable idea of me as a person from this site, there's really nothing else to add. I do have the lowest rating of anyone I've seen on Graffiti though (and trust me, that's a lot of people). The aim is to get to 0, so that the rating truly reflects my competance at the game... Haha! So if you want to kick some ass, please don't hesitate to invite me for a rated game!!! =D