13. Describe your worst childhood memory.

My worst childhood memory was when I was made fun of.

14. Describe your best childhood memory.

My best childhood memory was when I made fun of them.

15. Where do you get the ideas for your songs?

Well, I usually only parody songs that I like and usually I hear funny words in my head when I listen to the music.  I think I get my humor and weirdness from my grandpa because I think he was like me when he was a kid. 

16. Share your darkest secret with your fans.

I killed Kennedy.

17. What do you think of this interview so far?

It's good, it's good.

18. Do you realize that there are going to be 27 questions?

Because we are both AL fans...yes.

20. Describe your life in one word.


21. What were your High School years like?

Well, I still have 1 left, but so far it's been fun to meet different types of people.  I even had a band at one point.  I was a DJ for my school(Ben Davis) last year.  I played weird, funny, and 80's(because they are weird and funny)....and yes - ME.

22. Did you notice that i skipped number 19?

Actually, no I didn't.

23. Describe the weather right now.

Moist and calm.

24. If you could do one thing in the world, without consequences, what would it be?

To hug Tom Green.

25. Do you have any upcoming projects?

Yes, recording my CD and I'm doing some stuff for the next Weird Al tribute album!!

26. Any last words for your fans?

I love you all...all 2 of you.

27. Are you happy this is over?


(back to first part)