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Tactic Problems

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The Knight Fork

White to move and capture opponents Queen in two moves. Solution

Knight Fork
The Skewer 

White to move and capture opponents Queen in two moves. Solution


Double Check

White to move and capture opponents Queen in two moves. Solution


A Red Flag Combo The Invincible Bishop
White to move and capture opponents Queen in two moves. Solution
Red Flag- beheaded queen


White to move and capture opponents Rook in two moves. Solution


Black to move and capture opponents Queen in two moves. Solution
The Invincible Bishop AKA Invincible Piece

Sorry, that's all of them for now, I will add more later.

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Solution one: The Knight Fork Knight to f7 and checks King while threatening queen. Black must move it's king out of check, then you capture the Queen.
Solution two: The Skewer Rook to d2 checks the king forcing it to move out of the way, which leaves the queen open. The rook can now capture the queen.
Solution three: Double Check Bishop to c5 puts the king in Double-Check, forcing it to move, leaving the queen vulnerable to the bishop. White can now exchange a bishop for a queen.
Solution four: A Red Flag Rook to d1 threatens the queen and pins it because it is in front of the king. Black cannot move its queen off the d-file. Any move that black does leaves the queen to a forced rook-queen exchange, a very profitable exchange.
Solution Five: Combo Knight to g6 is a knight fork, checking the King and threatening the rook at the same time. If black recaptures with pawn, then white can capture the rook with its queen.
Solution Six: The Invincible Bishop Bishop to h2, which is a discovered check by the rook, while threatening white's queen with a bishop. Since White has to move out of check, black has gained an extra move and can now take white's queen.
I hope that you have enjoyed these tactics.  Email me: Matthew1585@yahoo.com

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