All about Me!!!, just like that toby keith song...

I am sure that everyone can now tell that I am one weird person. You figured that out as soon as you came to my site. So to get an idea of who I really am, keep reading. Right now, I am going to be a junior at the University of Missouri-Rolla. So, what's my major? Well, it is definitely not English, and not history, it's what everybody does here. We are all engineers. I specifically enjoy the whole electrical engineering thing, but that's not all that's here. Many times people ask me about Rolla, and how bad is it really? Well, if your coming for the school, it can hardly be beat. If you are coming for other purposes, like meeting future wives, like mizzouites go to do, you probably don't have a chance. But, there is good news. Every year the re are more and more of the female type people that appear on campus. Now, there are only about 5 guys to every girl. That's quite impressive. But, there is more in rolla to do. Well, ok, maybe not much. There is a movie theater. It has a whopping 4 screens. I mean, you can't get much better than that. There is also a bowling alley. I have never been there, but at least we have one. So your right, we do go to rolla for the school, because the town isn't that great. So, what am I involved in her e? Well, probably the activity that I'm most involved in is the Amateur Radio Club, W0EEE. I spend a lot of time there, too much it seems like sometimes. In case your wondering, I am an extra class operator, KC0JEO. I don't get on HF that much under my own call, but you'll here me on the air with the club usually once or twice a week. My biggest activity is to maintain the repeater. That is a full timme job. Maybe in a few more months it will be working correctly, and I won't have to worry about it anymore. Maybe I am starting to sound like three monkeys writing hamlet. How? Well, am I making any sense to you at all? I know I'm not making any sense to me, but of course that's not too weird, I never make sense to me. OK, back to something somewhat intelligent. What else do I do in Rolla MO? I like the spelunking club. Some people think I am weird because I like crawling around through muddy passages that are the siz e of briefcase, but I find it interesting. Not everybody gets to do weird things like that. So, I think I have told you all of the fun activities that I am involved in, there are some others, but those take up most of my time. So, what else can I put o n this page so it doesn't look short, or weird, or whatever that people will complain about, so I think I might put a picture of me on it. Hopefully I won't break your computer monitor because of my good looks, but things like that are always possible. So, I think I will put some pictures of me and other things below.

After thinking, even though it hurts my mind, i decided maybe that I should explain the pictures. So below, the first picture, A lovely picture of me in the radio club. Why? I don't know, but I have a picture of me sitting on the console, so why not stick it up on my webpage. It takes up space and I am trying to use my limit of space, just because I can. So, enjoy the picture and keep looking below at the ones to follow.


So, here is another lovely picture of me, this time at church. Here i am in front of a lovely setup that we took on tour with Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. ME!! again ME!! Are you sick of me yet? The last one!!  I PROMISE!!

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