Welcome to St. Philip's College

Math 0300-060: Basic Mathematics

Online Course Home Page

Fall, 2009


Instructor: Matthew Hudock
Department: Mathematics
Email: mhudock@alamo.edu
Phone Number: (210) 486-2884
Fax Number: (210) 486-2675
Office Location: NTB 304  (3rd floor of the Norris Technical Building on the Main Campus)
Office Hours:

MTWR  7:00 am - 9:00 am

MW  11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Sat   7:00 am - 8:00 am

Sat   1:00 pm - 2:00 pm   (NTB 307)


St. Philip's College

Attn: Matthew Hudock

Professor of Mathematics

1801 Martin Luther King

San Antonio, TX 78203



The information on this page is intended only for students that are registered for Math 0300-060 or who are considering registering for Math 0300-060. All content of this course will be delivered online. You must have an Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended). If you are looking for information for Math 0300 that is taught in the classroom, please go to my home page: www.countingbear.com. This course is harder than a tradition section of Math 0300 since you have to learn the material online. Expect to spend at least 12 hours a week on this course. To determine if an online course is right for you, take a quick test at: Can I be successful in Online Courses?


If you determine that you have the appropriate computer equipment, Internet connection learning and lifestyle, I look forward to working with you this semester.  If not, I recommend that you speak to your advisor about registering for a different instructional format.


On this page you will find links to Blackboard Vista where you will find the Orientation, Department Syllabus, Course Calendar with assignments, Instructor Information,  information concerning MathZone, the software you will be using this semester, and additional resources.  The purpose of this course is to provide the same course content that you receive in the traditional classroom but in an online environment. 


The online orientation is mandatory for all students enrolled in Math 0300-060. After completing the Online Orientation which includes carefully reading 1) the Math 0300  departmental syllabus, 2) the orientation, 3) the course calendar, 4) how to view the course material and 5) enrolling in MyMathLab (course compass), you must submit a Memo of Understanding. The Memo of Understanding Form is due by the Sept 8 at noon and the link to the form is located in under Assignments. Please feel free to contact me at mhudock@alamo.edu if you have any questions and I look forward to working with you this semester.


Course Links

Start Here by clicking on Blackboard Vista for: 

(Need help for using Blackboard Vista? Click on Vista Help)


1)  Math 0300 Department Syllabus

2)  Orientation

3)  Course Calendar

4)  MathZone (Section Enrollment Code: 8AE-F6-8FC)

5)  How to View the Course Material (Self Study)

6 Lectures Used in My Face-to-Face Classes

7)  Reviews for the Tests


Technical Support Phone Numbers

Alamo Colleges Help Desk: (210) 485-0555

MathZone Help Desk: (800) 331-5094


Software Links

       Adobe Acrobat Reader (Free Download)

        Adobe Flashplayer

        System Requirements for MathZone

        Register for MathZone Help (Section Code: 8AE-F6-8FC)

        MathZone Homepage


St. Philip's College Links:

       Math World Tutoring and Computer Lab (NTB 307)


      St. Philip's College Bookstore


      St. Philip's College Frequently Called Phone Numbers


      St. Philip's College Educational Support Services


      St. Philip's College Home Page


      St. Philip's College Learning Resource Center (Library)


      St. Philip's College PALS


      SPC Student Policy Manual



This web page and the content therein is not a part of the Official Alamo Colleges - St. Philip's College Web site and does not reflect the views, statements, or opinions of the college. The author is solely responsible for this material.