Latest News
Nov. 5, 2004 - new show announcement - Dec. 22 at Academy (in Wpg) with Cheatron. Fun times. In other news: Mr. Pine is chugging along, some show possibilities in Ottawa, and most importantly, "half-breaking" has hit college airwaves nation-wide.
September 5, 2004 - back in Ottawa, morale high. Had a great time in Winnipeg, accomplished many things musical. "Half-breaking" was well-received, and the next Horribly Awfuls album was recorded, as well as some material with Kevin.
August 17, 2004 - back in town for a wee visit. Cone Five at Pyramid tonight, co-hosting the Electric Tongue on Thursday the 19th (10pm-1am, 101.5 on the FM dial), solo show (backed by the incomparable Cheatron) at Academy Bar and Eatery on Sat. the 21st. New album "Half-breaking" will be unveiled on the 21st. I look upon this one as a kind of closure; three introspective solo albums in one year is more than enough. With a mopey, earnestcore "trilogy" under my belt, I shall now move on to more challenging projects, such as the yet-unnamed brit-folk-goth-creepy-renaissance-fair band with Kevin. Initial recordings have recently taken place, and the forecast is good. In other news, "not a cloud in the sky" is currently #23 in Kamloops.
June 12, 2004 - solo show booked for August in WPG (check shows page for details). Also, will be appearing June 18th-25th (8:30 - 9:30pm) at Cafe Nostalgica, slinging guitar for the Max Middle Sound Project's contribution to the Ottawa Fringe Festival. Expect the finest in free skronk, spoken word, etc. Other news: "not a cloud in the sky" has debuted at #13 on CFUR, Prince George, BC.
May 23, 2004 - recent doings/happenings: Had a weekly gig in April at the Rainbow opposite the lovely and talented Mr. Jim Greenwood. Promptly fired (massive lack of interest). Undaunted, Jim and I are continuing our musical partnership. Take that, corporate America!!!! Watch for shows, recordings, etc. Returned to WPG during the first week of May and recorded seven new songs. These will become yet another solo CD. I have a good feeling about this one. "not a cloud in the sky" did moderately well at UMFM, and has been recently unleashed nationwide on a variety of campus airwaves. Big thanks to Kevin for the grunt work. Many upcoming projects swirling around.
March 15, 2004 - HOLY CRAP MY NEW CD IS NOW AVAILABLE!!!!! The new album "not a cloud in the sky" is now available for a mere $10 at Music Trader, Osbourne village, Winnipeg. It features 10 new songs, and boasts the input of many talented Winnipeg scenesters. Also, listen for it on your local campus radio stations. Can you feel the love? I can't, and that's why I wrote and recorded these songs. Awesome!
February 7, 2004 - unleashed myself on Ottawa last night - indifference, polite applause, a few offers to "totally start a band". Hmmm...anyway, morale is high. The new album has been mixed, and soon I'll get to hear it.
January 18, 2004 - back in Ottawa. Hindsight is an awful, awful thing (see the entry for Dec.18). Anyway, my time back in WPG was "colourful". Besides all that, the new album was recorded, and just needs to be mixed. I think the end result will be pretty good - lots of pretty instrumental arrangements and seething, last-minute abstract lyrics. A huge thanks to the many friends who played and sang at the session. The shows went well. The Horribly Awfuls album is now available through!!!! Preparing for the upcoming show w/ Bad Guy at Nostalgica - excitment rising. I can't be destroyed. Music is my healing balm (???!!!).
December 18, 2003 - going back to WPG tomorrow for the holidays. Having recently suffered a 6-month bout of head-in-ass disease, I plan to stop being so ridiculous, and to make the most of my time back home. On the agenda: the Cones / Awfuls show mentioned below, recording a full length solo CD in early Jan., and doing some session work on the Whiskey Lad / Mr. Pine projects with Kevin Scott. Also, I'll be co-hosting Kevin's show on CJUM at 11PM on Jan.1. More later as specifics start to gel. Check out the shows page, I actually have a show out here!