The J17 Hotline
Charlie from Busted on chat-up lines, good snogs and how to get into his Y-fronts (almost!)

What type of girls do you go for?

I like confident girls with a really cool style that's kind of funky and fashionable.  I always thought that I liked blondes but then I saw Vanilla Sky and really fancied Penelope Cruz, so now i'm not as fussy.

What's your chat-up style?

If I see a girl I like, I'll usually just ask her a question and start a conversation.  I'd say something like: "Excuse me, do you know where the bar is?  I'm Charlie, by the way."  I don't tend to use cheesy chat-up lines (erm, you coulda fooled us, chaz!-Ed).

So would it be a bad idea for a girl to use a chat-up line on you?

I like it when girls approach me, so they shouldn't be shy about introducing themselves!  But it's better when they just act normal instead of trying to act crazy to get my attention.

What's the best snog you've ever had?

It was with this girl who was two years below me at school.  I had really liked her for ages and she was a great kisser.  Everything she did was right, she wasn't too in-your-face or too shy and she knew exactly what she was doing, even though she was younger than me.

Describe your dream date...

My brother once took his girlfriend to the revolving Sydney Tower in Austrailia and I think that's a great idea.  I would really like to take someone to Austrailia for a date, go to the Sydney Tower, and then for a long, romantic walk along the beach.

Do you wear boxers or briefs?

I wear boxers, but in the video for What I Go To School For I had to wear Y-fronts, which wasn't great because they're not very comfortable.  I only did it because I had to!