Mattie's More Interview
More: So Mattie, how did we meet?

MJ: You're the bassist in a kick-ass rock band and I go to your gig.  Then I pose as the pizza delivery boy and blag my way backstage.  I ask you if you fancy collaborating with my band and I take your number.

More: How long till you call?

MJ: The day after the day after- the next day is far too keen.  And that night is just pathetic.

More: What are we going to do?

MJ: I'm taking you to an awesome punk gig.

More: Are you coming to pick me up?

MJ: Yup, on my scooter.  I've got a helmet for you so you can come on the back if you like (rude giggles).

More: Are we going to dance?

MJ: I'm not sure I want to see a girl getting sweaty in the mosh pit- we'll probably just watch and chat.

More: How do I know you like me?

MJ; I'd make it pretty obvious

More: Are we going to go on anywhere?

MJ: Yeah-a nice pub where we can chat sum more about bass riffs!

More: Are we going to kiss?

MJ: Yup.  I don't initiate it as such...but I kind of move forward and look at you...

More: How do you like to kiss?

MJ: Kind of soft, nothing too hard or aggressive.

More: Are you going to come back to mine?

MJ; You have to tread carefully on a first date, I don't want to seem too forward, but if you insist it would be rude to refuse.

More: What happens when we get there?

MJ: Well, I imagine we'll get quite heated on the sofa.

More: Then what?

MJ: It depends how comfortable you are on the sofa.  If you're squirming i'll scoop you up and tap dance you into the bedroom!

More: Any tricks up your sleeve?

MJ: I'm a pretty good kisser so i'll make use of that-especially in places like your neck and ear lobes.

More: favourite position?

MJ: Well, I like the girl to be on top so she can control the rythm.

More: Would we be satisfied with your manhood?

MJ: I haven't had any complaints so far!

More: Are we going to do it more than once?

MJ: Definately, but not straight away, i'm not superman!

More: Are we going to sleep?

MJ: Nah, I have to get up at 5.30am so i'm going to go all night and then go to work, proper rock 'n' roll!

More: Are we going to see each other again?

MJ: Definately.  I'd call the next day, and more can take me out on a date again whenever it wants!