April  Aboard
The Mattison Cruiser


Spirit of The Suwannee Music Park & Campground in Live Oak, Florida was a wonderful relaxing week! We would love to be able to spend more time here. It's a very nice, clean, quiet and fun place with music events going on almost every weekend and plenty of roads great for biking and trails for hiking! Just an all around pleasant place, nothing fancy, but very pleasant! We didn't get to enjoy the biking and hiking as much as we had hoped because I wasn't feeling well, but we are definitely planning on a return visit!

Gee, I've been terrible at up-dating our Journal over the past few weeks. I apologize if some of you are wondering where we are! It has been a very busy month, covering many miles. We returned to Florida to catch up with Ryan, and our friends Sandy & Robert. Ryan is anxiously looking forward to the end of his first year of college. He will be heading to Chicago to visit "a friend" before he heads to NY. We had a nice time visiting our friends Sandy & Robert, and I even had the opportunity to catch up with an old High School classmate who also lives in Florida. Sandy, Judy & myself had a great time catching up on what has happened since we left high school. Our husbands also enjoyed getting to know one another and share some stories. We are looking forward to getting together again!

Of course, we couldn't be on the East Coast without that darn 'ol rubber band snapping us back to Georgia!! We headed to Cindy & Pat's in Valdosta for a few days and spend Easter with them. As usual, a great time was had by all and the "rubber band" jokes continue! Daryl & I had fun doing some "puttering" and hopefully Cindy will take good care of those flowers and plants!!! (Pat, don't you dare replace them if they die before we come back down for P.J.'s graduation!!!) 

We had a nice trip North even though it was a lot of driving in a short time. WalMart & Flying J gave us the "red carpet treatment"! We arrived in Buffalo on April 24, several days ahead of schedule! "The kids" were glad to see us and our cutie pie Madison even remembered us! Melanie is very happy that we made it before the grand entry of our new grandchild! Any time now, Nannie & Poppie are here! We will definitely keep you posted on the arrival!

Since we will be spending the majority of the summer in Western NY, we won't be traveling and "playing tourist", but we will keep you posted on our activities and where we are. We will probably be spending the next few weeks "parked in "the kids" driveway waiting for the arrival of the baby. Shortly after that, we will be staying at Lazy Lakes Campground Resort in Cambria, near Lockport. 

Hopefully, we will have plenty of time to visit with family and friends while we are in New York. Please drop us a line if you are checking on our whereabouts so that we can make arrangements to get together with you!















 Where Are We


 Where Are We