Gohan is much older, 7 years to be exact. In the beginning, you see Gohan walking down a street towards his new high school.  On his way he encounters a bank robbery, and turning Super Saiyan he attacks the burglars and saves the day.  To avoid being seen, he quickly runs to the end of the street and transforms back.  A girl then walks up behind him and asks him who did all of this, and he replies that he wasn't watching.  She then says,"I can't believe I missed it, I should have been the one to stop them."  Which gives you a clue as to what kind of a person she is.  When Gohan gets to his school, which was called Orange Star High School, he finds that everyone is already talking about the mysterious"Gold Fighter" as they would call it.   Surprisingly the girl he met that morning at the crime scene was actually Hercules daughter who is a crimefighter, which is obvious by now.  Her name is Videl and she remarked that Gohan was wearing the same outfit that the "Gold Fighter" was rumored to be wearing also. The girl sitting next to Gohan(who thinks he is a "cutie") asks where he lives and he says that he lives in the 439 Mountain Area.  The girl then says,"What?! That's about 500 miles away!".  Then Gohan replies stupidly,"Well, that's how dedicated I am to my education."   It then goes on to a funny baseball scene where Gohan catches a 25 foot pop fly, and tries to get hit by a fastball so that he can walk instead of hit the ball, making people suspicious about his strength.  After school, Videl stalks Gohan and she wonders why he seems to be walking home when his home is about 500 miles away.  She then starts to follow him, but as she rounds the corner he seems to have disappeared.  Actually, he just flew up to the top of a building.  Then he went home on the Nimbus Cloud.  Thus ending the first episode.
Great Saiyaman Saga
Episode 185 - Gohan Goes To High School
Begins right after the Afterlife Tournament and ends at the beginning of the World Tournament
Gohan arrives at Bulma's house(Capsule Co.) and asks her if she would make a disguise for him.  While Bulma was working, Gohan went down the hallway and talked to Trunks, who had just come out of training with Vegeta in the gravity room.  Vegeta was determined to try and make Trunks stronger than Gohan.  Once the disguise was finished Trunks thought it was cool that you just had to press a button on the watch, and it would automatically appear, until Gohan actually pressed the button, that is.  Then Gohan hopped back on the Nimbus Cloud and sped towards home.  However, before he got there, he decided that he would go make an appearance in his new suit, so that everyone would forget about the "Gold Fighter".  He put on his disguise, and after racing Nimbus for a little while, he looked down at the streets.  Some crazy drivers were crashing into things, and causing trouble everywhere, so he dropped down in front of them, and made them halt like he was a police officer.  The drivers jumped out of the car and they asked him what his name was.  Thinking about it for a minute he did a strange dance and said he was the "Great Saiyaman!".  The men started laughing and one of them said,"I don't know what's funnier, your name or your outfit!" Then Gohan got angry and he stomped his foot really hard, cracking the pavement so much that the car tipped over into the ditch it made.  After seeing all the damage, suddenly the men weren't laughing anymore, they quickly got into the car and drove away carefully this time.  When Gohan returned home his mom said,"Great, look at you.  One day with those teenagers and your already coming home wearing silly clothes." Then,  a little boy walked in with a giant fish he caught and said,"Oooooo Gohan!  Now that's a cool uniform!"  Then you find out that the boy was actually Gohan's little brother, Goten.  He's the son that Goku left with Chi-Chi just before heading off to the Cell Games, and also the son he never got to see.  The next morning Gohan got into his Saiyaman costume and sped off towards Orange Star City.  He landed on the school roof, and then after taking off his costume, he opened the door and went down the stairs to the classroom.  While Gohan was studying, two guys infront of him started talking about Saiyaman.  The one guy said,"You know I heard another hero appeared yesterday",the other said,"Oh yeah?." The first one then said,"Yeah, I heard that they call him the Great Singingman." Then Gohan yelled,"Saiyaman! The Great Saiyaman!" Which attracted some attention and the teacher said,"Gohan,would you like to share that with the whole class?" Gohan replied no.  Just then he heard a beeping noise, Videl pressed a little button on her watch and a police officer started talking to her.  He claimed that there had been a hijacking at the City Bus Terminal.  He said,"Some crazy terrorists are holding a group of Senior Citizens for ransom in a tour bus".  Videl skipped class and went to try and help them. Gohan then found out by a classmate, that she's supposedly as strong as her father(but he's more worried that she's as weak as her father).  So Gohan ran out of the class telling the teacher that he had to go to the bathroom.  Putting on his suit, he raced towards the bus terminal, but the only problem was was that he didn't know where the bus terminal was, which slowed him down a little.   The bus took off and it sped down the freeway with the police following who pathetically handled the situation and ended up crashing.  Videl arrived in her helicopter and jumped down onto the top of the bus.  Quickly she broke through the window and knocked out the leader.  After defeating the rest of their gang some old folks asked her if they could take a picture of her.  Little did she know, though that while she was preoccupied by the Senior Citizens the bus was headed straight off a cliff.  Realizing this too late the bus fell off the side.  Just in time, Gohan lifted up the bus and put it safely back down on the ground.  Videl asked who he was, and he did the strange dance once again.  He thought it was good, but Videl thought he was a "weirdo"(which was pretty true).   He flew off and then the credits rolled by, ending another exciting(yet weird) episode.
Episode 186 - I Am Saiyaman!
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