POPE: My superior wants to see you.

HEMLOCK: Your superior? Well that doesn't narrow the field much, does it?

HEMLOCK: Does your physical disability preclude you from coming to the point?

HEMLOCK: Dragon, you have a talent for describing the indescribable.

HEMLOCK: I hate being predictable.

HEMLOCK: If you'll just give me your name, I'll report it to the proper authorities when we land.

JEMIMA: Jemima.

HEMLOCK: And I'm Uncle Ben.

JEMIMA: I'm serious, that's really my name! Jemima Brown. My mother was hooked on being ethnic.

HEMLOCK: Or else turned on by a pancake. As long as we both agree that it's too much for a black chick to have the name of "Jemima".

JEMIMA: Oh, I don't know... I mean, people don't forget you when your name is Jemima.

HEMLOCK: I don't think people would forget you if your name was Alfred.

BEN BOWMAN: Jesus Christ, John, don't you ever say anything?!

HEMLOCK: Well I'm waiting for your mouth to get tired.

BOWMAN: Want a beer?

HEMLOCK: You gonna call room service?

BOWMAN: We got beer.

HEMLOCK: If you hauled beer up this rock, you're insane.

BOWMAN: I may be insane, but I'm not stupid. I didn't carry it, you did. It's in your pack.(Pulls a six-pack out of Hemlock's backpack.)

HEMLOCK: Jesus Christ, I ought to throw you off this pillar. Besides, it's warm.

BOWMAN: I'm sorry, I thought you'd draw the line at hauling ice.

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