West Virginia Page!

WVS Site

Song-"Don't Take The Girl"
by: Tim McGraw

West Virginia, one of the South Atlantic States of
the United States, bounded on the N. by Ohio,
Pennsylvania, and Maryland; on the E. by Virginia
and Maryland; on the S. by Kentucky and Ohio.
Generally oval in shape, West Virginia measures
about 275 mi. from E. to W. and about 245 mi. from
N. to S. Two narrow tongues of land, or panhandles
extend northward between Pennsylvania and Ohio,
eastward between Maryland and Virginia, respect-

Area (41st State in rank)......24,181 sq. mi.
Land...........................24,070 sq. mi.
Inland water...................111 sq. mi.
Capital & largest city.........Charleston
Nickname.......................The Mountain State
Song..........................."The West Virginia Hills"
Tree...........................Sugar Maple
Flower.........................Big Rhododendron
State Butterfly................Monarch Butterfly
State Animal...................Black Bear
State Fish.....................Brook Trout

State Flag

The proportions of the flag of the State of West Virginia
shall be the same as those of the United States ensign;
the field shall be pure white, upon the center of which
shall be emblazoned in proper colors, the coat-of arms
of the State of West Virginia upon which appears the
date of the admission of the State into the Union,
also with the motto, ‘Montani Semper Liberi’
(Mountaineers Are Always Free). Above the coat-of-
arms of the State of West Virginia there shall be a
ribbon lettered, ‘State of West Virginia,’ and arranged
appropriately around the lower part of the coat-of-arms
of the State of West Virginia a wreath of
Rhododendron maximum in proper colors.

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