matthew wyatt
a must for musos
a good laugh
my photos
my photos 2
A career musician I,ve spent many years travelling an playing to a varied audience my original songs testify too this.
Now that I have a large catalogue of songs
recording them has become priority number one.   Songs about the murray river' parts of tasmania' the hay plain' the new england highway' the beaches of esperance' groote island 'the alice' an even out of the way places like'bronte park'(tas) are now part of the music.
Iam proud to call my own small creation (c.d.) near completion with some interesting muso's appearing with the likes of ROLAND PORATH a gifted pianoist from germany an PETER GREEN from melbourne who I think will soon be an important singer/ guitarist in australian music.
not forgeting producer an gifted singer songwriter/guitarist RAY CATT
putting it all together.
my pet project at the moment is writing a song CALLED POST CODE 2484 basically'  arriving in a small town an describing various landmarks a sought of advertisement mentioning shops ' pubs ' an some of its local characters which are easy recognisable locals with there consent
a great little project an the local chamber of commerce are more than interested if you keep it simple an up-beat. 
laurel smith
allan gordon
david mellor
reading (autobiographys)cooking 'swimming 'cycling' an watching a good movie with my cat "LENA LOMU" named after LENA HORNE an the nightmare of australian rugby" All Black JONAH LOMU .flying my kite on the beach  an also a bit of gardening but with a cat it a bit difficult to reserve a space exclusively for my purpose.
recently I've joined the debate raging about the song ADVANCE AUSTRALIA FAIR seems some back bencher SANDY MCDONALD wants to replace it!
As a song writer I wish I wrote it I do love a love song an this has cool aussie reserve written all over it
I dont think so!!
A lot of friends are scattered around australia an o/s an all my family live in nz. my mate DALE TANSLEYworks for one of the worlds greatest marine artists DAVID MELLOR his work has to be seen to be believed his splashes are my favorite part!!(see favorite links)
yeh pretty thin huh
unlike me you say smartarse!
someone stole my address book a year or two back anyone out there got some photos aussie or o/s send them thru love to hear from you