
Viscum album, commonly known as Mistletoe is a parasitic evergreen plant that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. Mistletoe was initially used by the ancient Greeks and has been used ever since for its medicinal properties. The Druids, a Celtic religious order believed that Mistletoe was a panacea, which means a cure for everything.

Mistletoe was proposed for the treatment of cancer in 1920 by Ruldolph Steiner who founded the Society for Cancer Research to promote mistletoe extracts and anthroposophical medicine. (1)

Mistletoe is used in the treatment of cancer, inflammatory conditions, AIDS, epilepsy, infertility, menopausal symptoms, nervous tension, asthma, hypertension, headache and dermatitis. Various clinical trials and studies have been done to research the efficacy of Mistletoe and any side effects that the plant may have.(2)

Viscotoxins and lectins have both been found as active components in Mistletoe, although most research has been on lectins. Mistletoe has been found to stimulate the immune system. A study that Gorter at el carried out in1999 showed that Mistletoe induces immunomodulation in HIV positive and healthy individuals and may inhibit the progression of the disease.(3)

Viscum album berries Viscum album flower and leaves Illustration of Viscum album Flower of Viscum album


  1. "Mistletoe" from Botanical.com
  2. "Mistletoe extracts " from National Cancer Institure
  3. "Clinical reseach regarding Mistletoe" from the National Library of Medicine

Further information:
  "Mistletoe" at How Stuff Works.com
  "Mistletoe" at Candlegrove.com
Author: Elizabeth Bull | Page last updated: 30/04/03 at 12:10 HRS GMT