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Contact The Keeper of The Temple

Weary travellers have stopped here since
The Temple of Maulitar

You push open the doors and stumble inside, falling to the floor.

At present you would feel content to stay like this forever but a quiet chuckling makes you start.

Looking up you are met by an elderly man with a long white beard and long white hair, who looks remakably agile and strong for his age.

Eying your attire he begins to speak "Welcome Warrior, I am the Keeper of the Temple of Maulitar, the night is harsh as usual I see but now come, brush the ice from thy cloak, stamp the snow from thy boots and come warm thy hands by the hearth"

As he helps you up and closes the large door, trapping the gales outside, you notice that the man is wearing golden platemail under his tunic and he also wears a gold cloak, infact most of his attire is golden in color and also begin to you wonder what was this Maulitar thing is he spoke about.

He leads you through an archway to the east of the doors and into a room with many paintings of many formidable warriors and in one instance an incredibly beautiful warrioress. Each figure in the paintings wears a golden cloak.

The man motions towards the chairs in front of the fire and you both sit down. You chat a while about the happenings in the other towns but you finally decide to enquire about the paintings, why most things in the temple are golden in color and what Maulitar is.

The man grins and begins to tell you a tale of the history of a God, a God of War, Maulitar. He explains that Maulitar's color is gold, a shining color for glorious battle. He motions around the room as he speaks mentioning lots of different things about Maulitar, its followers and what they stand for.

After he finishes, he invites you to have a look around the temple to draw your own conclusuions and you begin to look around.

(If you have no idea what this is about, please go here)

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